Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, February 12, 2024 8:02 PM

No Rest At All

I start Tuesday on the road bicycle going east on Del Amo. I get caught at just the right lights as I'm warming up. I head north on the San Gabriel river trail to Imperial highway and turn around back towards the ocean. I crank along nicely and I'm feelng strong. I get through the beach sectinons of the right and push against an offshore flow until I'm at Del Amo but I keep going up to Alondra. Then I turn for home and finsh at 70 kilometers. At home I lay down some powdered week preventer (in advance on Thursdays' rain) and then I set up a few more rose branches to prevent a cat from coming into my yard. A nice warming shower sees me settting up a new Python virtual enviornment on my home PC to try and perform some multiclass classfiers in a more appropriate manner. At this point I have six virtual environments set up for running Python and two are obsolete. S I delete those two virtual enviornments and hope that I instaled this multiclass classifier properly.

Wednesday starts with a recovery mountain bicycle ride. I feel strong until I mentally tire towards the end of the race. I've intentionally been pushing for the last week or so because I knew rain was coming and I wouldn't be able to cycle. At home I mow the lawn and drop down some fertilizer in the front yard before Wednesday's expected heavy rain. After a shower I work on the multiclass classifier and am able to duplicate the results in the article that I read. Now I just have to apply it to my problem. But I get sidetracked on trying to run Python 3 on my web hosting computers for the websites that I deal with. I delete all of the recent tries and start from scratch. When Anaconda3 takes up too muich space, I step back to the barebones Miniconda3 and I have it working. I try and install a few modules and the web host is able to find them. I'm in business. But, and there's always a but, some modules that are used to read cookies and input parameters are deprecated and not available so I start reading up on how to overcome this. And I drop down for sleep very late for me.

On Wednesday night and into Thursday I wake up a few times and hear the rain coming down pretty hard. Each time I wake up it's pretty hard. When I wake up very late, tired from cycling and running and coding, I see we've already had o.5 inches of rain and its still coming down hard. As I get the day started, I tidy up my desk, get through the emails and news and markets quickly, and have a clear schedule today to lift weights, work on replacing the deprecated Python 3 modules, and talking with the schoolteacher across the street whose brother died a day ago.

There's a bit of rain on Thursday night and into very early on Friday morning. When I wake up, everything is wet - not good for cycling but good for running. As I start my run/walk, just warming up, there are drops of rain coming down but I keep going. The rain holds off, actually for the rest of the day, and I get in a good 84 minute run/walk where I keep trying to increase the run-to-walk ratio. After a shower I go to Trader Joes and the grocery store. A guy at Trader joes sees me drive up and wants to know all about the World Rally Car and, at some point after sharing as much s I care to, I say "Great talking to you. I hope we can chat again soon. I better get going" He takes the cue and I expect to see him outside Trader Joes when I finish shopping, but I don't see him. Back at home I just have to stay busy - it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I just have to stay busy. So I scrub some sinks and faucets, do some coding, scrub the bathrooom, do more coding, do the laundry, and finally as the clock ticks past 1pm I decide that I have to eat something. Now is this newer "I have to keep doing something" a result of the new thyroid drug that the doctor has me taking since yesterday? (Since radiation can damage the thyroid and the last blood test showed abnormal thyroid function, it's logical to try this medication at the lowest dosage possible.) We'll see what happens.

I'm out the door just before 7am on Saturday for a road bicycle ride north on the Los Angeles river trail. I'm greeted a few kilometers into the ride by a large coyote standing next to the bicycle path near a homeless encampment. Usually the coyotes will run when a cyclist goes by, but this one stands his/her ground such that I start yelling and move to the far side of the bike path as I pass it. And then it kinda wanders toward the hmeless encampment. Today there's a nasty headwind up the river trail and I'm considering the length of today's ride. I get to the El Monte dam and despite heavy rain two days ago, the bike path along the dam is visible and almost clear and passable. Almost. Thus I take Peck road and head towards the Santa Fe dam - thinking I've made this much progress against the headwind, I might as well get the benefit going south on the San Gabriel river trail. I stop for fluids and gel at the Santa Fe dam and then head south. The headwind is now mostly a sidewind with some tailwind. And I take advantage of it as much as I can. There are a couple of small detours due to the rain debris, but nothing major. I start losing energy 15 kilometers from home - probably due to fighting the headwind to start. But I continue to crank two gears up and when I get to Del Amo, well, certainly my neck and lower back are tired and I'm mentally tired, but the legs kept cranking. And along Del Amo I time lights so that I don't have to stop and start except twice. All in all, a good 100 kilometer ride. At home I sweep up leaves on my driveway dropped from the neighbor's tree during Thursday's rain and then grab a warming shower. I'm not sure there is much more productivity in me today.

Late on Saturday watch the NHL All-Star games. It looks like all of the players are playing at three quarters speed and nobdy is playing defense. Oh well, this is what it has become.

I sleep well on Saturday night into Sunday morning. There's rain throughout the night, but none when I wake up. The weather forecast shows rain starting at 9 am, so not enough time for a bicycle ride. Instead I tak ean Aleve and go out for a slightly-shortened run/walk of 65 minutes. This translates to about 10 kilometers as I don't want to overdo it from Friday's longer run. At home I pull the road bicycle out and give it a wipedown and cleanup after a partially-wet, muddy Saturday ride. The bicycle looks brand new again! I have a list of websites to convert over from the web-hosting "not supporting Python and mysql anymore" to my self-installed version of Python and modules. But I probably won't get to them until Monday's heavy rain day. I've got the ice-breaker of the effort finished and just need to translate it to the producion websites. (By the way, the self-installed version of Python and modules is not recommended or allowed under my hosting plan, but I've found a way to make it work and I'm going to run with it until caught.) And later on Sunday I just relax, stay warm an dry, and vow to have a productive Monday.

I sleep well into Monday morning and hear the rain coming down. Thus I log on and don't even read the news and markets. Insetad I pound away at converting websites from my web hosting "old and deprecated and broken Python and mySQK" to my version. I just keep cranking along and before IU know it its noon and one website is pretty much finished. But the first one is always the hardest. I take time to work the abdominals, lower back, core, and biceps before I grab lunch. And then I finally watch a bit of news and Netflix. Just before bed I get the second website 80% converted over. I should be done with this process on a rainy Tuesday and then can go back to the multiclass classifier that works for the sample problem but doesn't work for my test problem.

Tuesday is another day of heavy rain. By the time this set of stroms is done tomorrow we will be up to our average annual rainfall. I start the day making the conversions of websites to my Python and before I know it, it is almost 1pm. Sometimes a task just gets in my mind and I lose track of time. I take a break and have a good workout with the weights. I'm finally seeing a little bit of strength gains. After a shower I grab some burritos for lunch/dinner and watch the news and Netflix. As I'm getting ready for reading and sleep I feel the need to wash the dishes rather than let them sit in the sink overnight. And, of course, I drop and break a drinking glass. It has been a long time since I broke a glass. But remember I was on the streak of breaking a glass a month or so and had to go buy new glasses. I hope that streak doesn't start again.

Wednesday morning shows wet pavement, so I work on websites for a while. At 9am I can wait no longer and I get on the mountain bicycle with the pavement wet but drying for an eventful ride. I certainly have to avoid standing water, mud, and debris in my path. When I get to the ocean trail it is covered in sand and I just ride along and try to avoid the deeper patches. Except one small place is still covered in water so I have to dismount, walk the bike in the sand, and then get back on. And on the way home the big black dog of a person in a homeless encampment decides to bark and chase me. So I get in a sprint practice until the dog gives up. I'm sure this dog has been there before but now he/she is not on a leash. At home I finish up testing one website with my version of Python 3 and it works well so I put it into production. And I continue converting a Perl search code to my Python 3. This has been long overdue, but I might as well do it now since I'm entirely Pythonic now.

I spend extra extra time in bed on Thursday morning because I've heard (unexpected) rain throughout the night and I'm afraid that I won't be able to cycle. I get up as if I'm going to lift weights later in the day and see that the pavement is wet and a morning run is just inside and acceptable recovery period. So I dress and get out for a seventy minute run/walk. I'm still trying to maintain a balance between longer distances and a couple of calf warnings that I've had. After a shower I do some grocery shopping and come home to rake up fallen leaves in the driveway from the rain. And then I finish off the search engine for one of the websites. I still have the mapping program and sendmail efforts to finish converting to my Python 3. Near 1pm I finally eat something and watch some Netflix and don't pick up the coding until late in the afternoon. And later in the afternoon I pretty much run through mowing the lawn as the grass is dry enough to get a good cut and I'm trying o tbeat the sunset.

The pavement is wet again on Friday morning, so I finish off one of the websites GPS conversion and start working on my own website. By 8:40am the pavement is patchy dry and I'm out the door on the mountain bicycle by 9 am. The beach trails have been swept by the maintenance workers, but I just go to the pier today. I want to get home and give the mountain bicycle a good cleaning - it is horribly dirty, muddy, and sandy from the wet riding. I clean the bicycle, degrease the complete running train, let is set for a few hours, and then lurbicate the complete running train. The twnety year old mountain bicycle (birthdate 09/18/2003) looks extremely good for its age and I'm sure will run for quite a while before I have to replace it. Hopefully Saturday will be dry and I get take the newly cleaned road bicycle out for a long ride and then degrease and lube the running train after the ride. I turn my attention to the multiclass classifier to try and get it to "classify" my dataset.

I sleep well on Friday night into Saturday morning, yet I cannot get out of bed for a road bicycle ride. I sleep very late and feel disappointed in myself. I go to the grocery store for supplies, have a good session lifting weights, deweed weeds that are popping up after the rain, take apart a powered toothbrush to salvage the motor for a hobby project, and spend time degreasing and lubing the drive train of the road bicycle. Even if I did not ride the road bicycle, at least I spent time with it maintaining it for future rides. While reading the news I find some simpler methods to perform a number of classifications of data, so I start in on this process. It has the usual decision tree, support vector machine, and K-nearedt neighbors classifiers that I've used in th past but it also has a Naive Bayes classifier. So I'm excited to implement all of these and compare the results. Throughoutthe day I just relax and watch some golf and some ice hockey. I enjoy watching the golf to see how a player gets out of a difficult situation when a player's previous shot has gone far astray.