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I wake up on Tuesday at 4:30 am and can't quite fall back asleep. I just lay in bed. I do not want to go out walking, running, or cycling in the dark as some of those early morning exercise sessions in the dark ended up with me on the ground. So I'm out the door at 6:40 am and ride to the old yacht club and back home. I notice that one of the lifeguard towers has been burned down. I'm sure it was there Sunday when I rode past. It was noticeable because it was painted in rainbow colors for the LGBTQ population. And now it's the only one burnt down. Back at home I continue working on the website. Maybe another week of work. But throughout Tuesday I have a bizarre day. I work along on the website and then decide I need to stretch my legs and shoulders. So I go off and spend time with exercises that the physical therapist has given me for the inner hamsstrings, Achilles tendon, and shoulders. And then I go code some more and decide that I need to scrub the bathrooms. So I go off and do that. And I go back and code some more and decide that I need to take the Brillo pads to pots and pans tha I've had for thirty years. So I go off and do that and end up with pots and pans that look (almost) brand new. Finally I go code some more and decide that it is approaching 1 pm and I have not eaten anything yet today, so I bake a frozen pizza and get some blood sugar. The day continues in this schizophrenic manner but by the end of the day I've gone cycling, done a lot of coding, and taken care of a lot of small tasks around the house.
On Wednesday and Thursday I code away on the website and algorithms for hours each day. The only breaks that I get are on Wednesday to mow the lawn and trim some bushes and on Thursday to trim the roses. I've made a lot of progress but I keep finding desrieable features to add as I get closer. I need to cut those off for now.
I start Friday with a good bicycle ride and do some more deweeding of the rosebeds. I have a CSULA Zoom meeting that goes okay as the students can now see the end of the semester. I take some time to watch FP2 for MotoGP from Qatar and make a bit of progress coding. I have some good ideas in my head and listed out. I just need to get them operational.
I'm up ealry and riding north on the Los Angeles river trail to meet up with Derrick. When I meet up with him I turn around and we ride back to the aquarium and take a break. And then I ride a bit past home but back to home. Saturday is consumed with qualifying for the first F1 race f the yeaa from Bahrain and the first MotoGP/2/3 races from Qatar.
I have a slow day on Sunday. Instead of riding I do a bit of gardening and then watch a decent F1 race with a disappointing finish for my favorite drivers. And after some statistics coding in Python I watch the MotoGP race with a semi-deisappointing set of results for my favorie riders.
I have another slow day on Monday with a motorcycle ride to see the dentist. We've both decided that we've gone as far as we can with this little white gum issue, so she sits down and writes a referral for an oral surgeon or ral medicine specialist for further diagnosis and probable biopsy. When I get back home I watch an exciting Moto3 race - I haven't decided who to cheer for yet - but the racing is good and close.
I get out for good ride to the old yacht club and back home on Tuesday morning. Then I finally get hold of the oral surgeon scheduling people and they want a different referral so I pursue that. But progress is made towards a near-term appointment. I've had this little pain-free problem for a couple of years now, so what's another week or so? I clean up the website I'm working on by removing all of the comments and references to the original website that I scraped assets from. And then watch a decent Moto2 race from Qatar.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday pass quickly with cycling and coding and websites. I'm feeling a bit down on Thursday and Friday for n oeal reason.
I start Saurday with a good ride to the old yacht club and back home. I watch Moto2 qualifying, fix a few small website problems, then drive to CSULB for a Covid-19 vaccine. I finally became eligible this past Thursday. I register and I'm surprised that I get a choic beteen the Moderna (two injection) and John and John (one injection) vaccine. I opt for the J&J and poceed to the injection line. I'm excited because I wanted the J&J but was also told that this CSULB site probably wouldn't have it. The lady wo regisered me comes and finds me and tells me that they ran out of J&J vaccine and she'll go make a second appointment for me. I'm disappointed, but I notice the injection station has a lady who keeps yelling out "John and John - one shot and you're down here". Finally it is my turn and I sit down and look in the syringe tray and see that they have three J&J syringes left. I;m third from last! So I get my one-and-done J&J injection, stay under observation for 15 minutes, then go back to the lady who first registered me to cancel my second injection appointment. When I get home I ice the injection site for 5 minutes every hour until it is time for reading and sleep.
I'm uup a 6:15 am on Sunday morning and out the door at 6:40 am to go cycling. I meet up with Derrick and we talk about the vaccinations - he had his first shot but has to have a second. And we have a good ride. I'm having no side effects from the vaccination but I do keep icing the injection site on Sunday. I trim the roses and bring both roses and carnations into the house and watch a very close MotoGP race - five seconds covers the top ten finishers and there were only a couple of crashes. And I take Sunday fairly easily after the long ride and Saturday's vaccination. Though I do make progress implementing a droput neural network which is supposed to provide a Bayseian type of result with an ensemble of neural networks. This is the key item I was looking for to evaluate uncertainty and confidence levels in neural network results.
I'm tired from cycling so Monday is my pre-planned day off. I'm up early working away at the dropout neural network and the website. Before I know it the clock is strinking noon. I get on the Yamaha YZF-R1 and get some gasoline and take it for a ride to keep the battery charged and the lubricants moving around. I can see the horizon where I might be riding it more again. Back at home I watch a wild and crazy Moto3 race where seven riders have to start from pitlane for various rules infractions. And unbelievably one of these riders, a 16 year old rookie in only his second Moto3 race, comes from the huge deficit and wins! I hadn't picked out a Moto3 rider to cheer for this year, since my favorites from last year graduated to Moto2, but I think he's it. I relax with some television and more website work in the late afternoon and early evening.