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I start the new year at 6:15 am working on the code for the web-viewer. I keep working away and get lost in solving little problems and producing the right styling. Before I know it it is after noon. I vow to fix one more problem and then get in a workout. Thus I do another myo-reps workout because it was so challenging and rewarding back on Monday. And this one does not disappoint either. Afer the workout I mow the lawn and pick up leaves and get caught in conversations with two different neighbors. But I'm finished and grab a shower and finally get to a combined lunch/dinner near 4 pm.
Saturday is cold again but I'm out the door at 7:07 am for a road bicycle ride. I get in a good 60 kilometers and look forward to a good year of cycling. After a shower I run errands to the liquor store (for lottery tickets), the post office, and the grocery store. From there I relax a bit and watch the news and then at mid afternoon clean the bathroom and kitchen floors. I put the charged battery back into the motorcycle and it starts right up. Maybe that intermittent electrical problem is related to a slightly undercharged battery. I don't know. But I'll take it out for a ride on Monday.
Sunday isn't my day. I had a hard time sleeping on Saturday night into Sunday morning since I've woken twice with bad heartburn. I never get heartburn and haven't eaten anything strange. As a result I don't go cycling on Sunday morning and instead go out for a 45 minute walk at mid-morning. Most of the day is spent relaxing and watching football in hopes of a better night of sleep.
I sleep well on Sunday night and get out for a good bicycle ride on Monday morning to the old yacht club and back home. During the ride I have a nice conversation with a Cambodian man who, coincidentally, used to live close to me but has moved downtown. And we share stories that we have until I turn for home. After a shower I go for a chilly motorcycle ride where the Yamaha YZF-R1 starts up instantly (as expected). The day stays chilly and windy throughout, so I work on some ideas related to coding and watch some Netflix and keep thinking about the heartburn from a couple nights ago.
On Tuesday I'm out of bed at 6:25 am and I'm on a mission. I start in coding the web-viwer because there are all sors of enhancements and styling details that need to be taken care of. I've got my head down and working away and making good progress. It's not until almost 1pm that I take an extended break to get in a good session with the weights and do some minor cleanup in the backyard. After a shower I finally grab lunch near 2:30 pm and watch some of the Georgia senate runoff coverage. Later I go back to the web-viewer and by the end of the day it's complete except for two features that I can't figure out how to do yet. I then go back to watching the election coverage since I enjoy watching the mapping of votes in counties and the discussion of the votes still to be counted and where votes can be gained for either side. This gets me thinking about a mathematical algorithm to try and capture the most votes for a given amount of campaign spending money. I'll work on this on Wednesday - it seems like a fun little problem.
I get in another bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back home. During the ride I see the Cambodian man riding in the opposite direction as me, so I just greet him and continue on. After a shower I get to the library to return a book, get to Home Depot, and then stop in at the grocery store. I read the markets and the news and am shocked to see armed insurrectionists storming the congressional building and the chaos going on. I have the coverage playing for a bit in the background as I retrieve some voting data from the California 36th assembly district and start putting it into form to try out with some voting mathematics. I use this assembly district since I know someone who lives there, it is a reasoable size in terms of voting precincts, and it has been Republican for a long time and I want to see if I could find a spending/campaign strategy to flip it. I work on the algorithm and watch congressional news coverage throughout the rest of the day.
When I wake up on Thursday morning it is foggy and the pavement is fairly wet. So I don't go cycling. Instead I work on the voter strategy algorithm and find the Python technical problem that was preventing me from applying constraints to the problem. When I correct this I start getting results that make a lot of sense: voting gains per precinct needed to overcome an opponent's vote total. I add in some additional explanatory charts and start to play with strategies based upon some initial assumptions. It's looking very promising! At 11:30am I have a CSULA Zoom call with other advisors to see how we can jumpstart the effort when students come back to school (virtually) in a couple of weeks. And later I make more progress on the voting strategy algorithm and can start writing up the results.
There's nasty thick fog on Friday morning - so thick that I can barely see across the street. And since the pavement is very wet, I delay a morning bicycle ride. Instead I work on writing up the voter strategy effort. My cycling effects are laid out but the fog doesn't dissipate and the streets don't dry. Thus near 11am I get out and lift weights and rake leaves - the bicycle ride postponed due to weather. By the afternoon I've lost writing motivation and kind of just waste the rest of the day away.
Saturday morning is foggy but the pavement is dry so I'm out on the road bicycle at 7:01 am. I have a good ride where the fog disappears at the mouth of the Los Angeles river and the air is dry for the rest of the ride. After a shower I go back to the grocery store because I forgot to buy milk yesterday. I start watching football games and take two breaks for Zoom meetings. The first is a pre-meeting and the team members are completely on different pages and there are some raised voices. But the real Zoom meeting an hour later is professionaal though we don't get to the "hot topics". And I veg out with football playoff games for the rest of the day.
I stay in bed for thity minutes on Sunday morning and hem and haw about what to do. Finally I get out the door for a mountain bicycle ride. During the ride I run into my thir cousin Kyle and we ride together for a few miles and catch up on what's going on. When I get home I settle in for a long day of football. The web-viewer coding and voting strategy writeup will wait until Monday.
I wake up on Sunday night into Monday morning with another "trapped-themed" nightmare. I've had a few of these over the last number of years but they seem to be getting a bit more frequent. After this one I lay awake for a while and I feel a small bead of sweat on my forehaed as I replay the nightmare - is this a panc attack? Are the "trapped-themed" nightmares more prevalent now because I feel trapped due to Covid-19? Nonetheless I eventually fall back asleep and start coding at 6:30 on the web-viewer. There's one pause/resume toggle that isn't working and is bugging me and so I keep hammering away at it and finally get it to work near noon. (Certainly with some stretching breaks and work on writing up the voter strategy aalgorithm.) Just after noon I take the Yamaha YZF-R1 out for a ride and have a little bit of fun. When I get home I lubricate the chain and then have another great workout with the weights. These myo-rep workouts give a super workout in a short period of time. After a shower I finally eat something near 3pm and then watch a bit of the college football game and call it a day.