Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, September 23, 2019 8:02 PM


I start Tuesday with a 50 minute walk because I didn't sleep well on Monday night and my legs are still hungover from the previous three days of cycling. I trim the roses and get a cooling shower before I run a number of errands at Target, the grocery store, the hair salon, and a bicycle store. The best bicycle store ever appears to be out of business, so I drive to another one and am surprised at how high the price of inner tubes are. I'm a bit steamed up, but when I check online later, I guess the price of inner tubes is higher than a few years ago. At home I deal with a number of issues related to the child abuse application, a human trafficking event, a potential EBT application, and some other questions coming in before I relax and catch up with last night's Weeds episodes. I'm no sure where in the afternoon goes, but I don't write any code and I eventually get down on my hands and knees and deep deweed the roses and carnations. It feels good to get down and play in the dirt.

I sleep in a bit late on Wednesday but get right to work coding - both the child abuse application and a human trafficking event website. Before I know it, the time ia approaching noon. So I get out for a decent session with the weights, cool down with a shower, and ride the motorcycle to a coffeehouse to meet up with the director of the human trafficking event that I'm building the website for. We have a good conversation and make a lot of progress. We'll meet up with more of the team members on Monday night. When I ride home I eat dinner and watch the last seson 4 episode of Breaking Bad. And then I go back to coding the child abuse application for a while.

Thursday starts with a mountain bicycle ride where I'm supposed to meet my third cousin to ride. But he has to go early to work, so I'm on my own. During today's ride two people come up to me and start speaking in Czech (since I'm wearing a Czech Republic national cycling team jersey). Beyond the few words and phrases that I know in Czech, I have to tell them that I'm wearing the jersey for my grandparents and that I don't speak Czech. Both the lady from outside Bratislava and the man from Prague said they had seen me riding before but was always too fast to catch. Back at home I feed and water the roses and cool down with a shower.

I go walking for 42 minutes on Friday morning and then get cleaned up to go tCSULA. The team has decided to meet at 10am instead of noon so that leaves me less time to get a workout in before the meeting. We have a good, productive meeting though the new team member who was just added to the team is nowhere to be found. Near noon I head for home. Back at home I edge, mow, and sweep the lawn and then trim the roses. This whole process takes about an hour and because today is very hot, I'm really sweating up a storm. I cool down with a shower and watch an old inaugural epsiode of "Lily Hammer" because it is funny and I can identify with the scenes in Norway (from my undergraduate studies in upper Michigan).

Saturday starts with a good 40 mile bicycle ride and I run into my running friend Archie twice as he is running 16 miles today for a last long run before October's Long Beach Marathon. After the ride and a cooling shower, I run errands including a trip to the library where I get three new books. Can I finish them before I leave on vacation? As I go to an alternative gasoline station to fill up the car, I see that the price of gasoline is $1 per gallon higher than other stations. So I get just two gallons and cut my losses. Qualifying 1 and qualifying 2 for MotoGP from Italy are super exciting and super unpredictable, so I have tingles running up and down my spine. Since today is very hot - hopefully the last very hot day of the year - I take the day slowly and have turned down various invitations to the Cambodian Film Festival and the Kaboo event down in Orange County. By the end f the day I've finished half of one of the books I took out today.

I'm lazy on Sunday morning and do not go cycling. I walk to the grocery store for supplies, trim the roses and sidebush, and then do some cooking for the week. I also work a bit on the child abuse application - mainly just tidying up the internal search engine and parameters. I'm not ready to finish off the new database for the child abuse application which should only be about another hour of work. The MotoGP race from Italy is fun even if my favorite rider again crashes out of a decent result. Later at night I pretty much finish off the database for the child abuse application and have some good ideas of a few last things that need to be done before it can be released for testing.

I stay in bed on Monday until 6:45 am. And then I get out for a decent mountain bicycle ride. Nobody wants to speak any languages with me today, but I still enjoy the ride. After getting cleaned up I handle a number of financial transactions, watch the Moto3 race from Italy, and start implementing the final child abuse application ideas. Near 6 pm I ride the motorcycle down to Long Beach City College for another human trafficking meeting for an event in early November. The marketing of the event hasn't even started yet, so there is some discussion about postponing it for a while (which is probably the prudent thing to do). Some digital marketes come in and they certainly talk a big game - but they're marketers. The team listens to the pitch and as the meeting ends, I tell the leader that he should text me tomorrow so that we can chat because I don't trust the marketers at all.

I sleep well on Monday night and get out for a good walk on Tuesday morning. From there I feed and water the roses and carnations and have an "on a mission" determination to finish the child abuse application today. It's after noon befre I realize what time it is, so I gather my things, get a flu shot, and get cash from the bank for the upcoming trip. When I get back home I lift weights, deweed the roses and carnations, do some trimming around the backyard and then cool down in order to have lunch and watch some television. Maybe the Moto2 race will wait until Wednesday. I go back to coding and work until it is time to read and sleep. As I'm preparing for bed I get another good idea that could solve an issue with the child abuse application, so I go back and write a note to myself so that I don't lose it overnight.

I start slow on Wednesday with the child abuse application and coding some of the ideas from overnight. I only have two issues to deal with and it can be released for rigorous testing. I also take time to trim the roses and rake the leaves and debris in the rosebeds. After I talk with the neighboring Wednesday gardeners to do my lawn on my upcoming vcation, I get out for a god mountain bicycle ride. I keep thinking, "Oh I'll just go to the aquarium and turn back", since I'm not mentally into the ride. But after fighting a headwind down the Los Angeles I keep going and keep extending the ride until it is a standard ride. And on the way home I really get cranking with the wind at my back. I'm not sure where the afternoon gets off to but its good to stay away from the coding and refresh myself for a final push on Thursday.

I start Friday with a long walk and then head on up to CSULA. At the entrance to our meeting I meet a student, Cody, who is into Orientation & Mobility (related to rehabilitation and balance and falling) and we have a nice discussion nd I give him my number to share with him some senior design projects from the past that were related to "active walkers". Various teams make presentations today and then I head for home. I lift weights heavier today and I don't have any pain in the shoulders - though I still ice the shoulders afterwards. Following a shower I have dinner and wonder if my friend is coming to visit and just hang out. Well past when my friend should be texting me that he is here, I give up and go to read and sleep.

Saturday starts with a good 40 mile road bicycle ride and then qualifying for the F1 race from Singapore. In the afternoon I watch a movie "^ Balloons" and it is just horrible - it is so bad I want to find a place to write a review and include words like "the director, screenplay writer, and acors have no knowledge of the subject matter and should be run out of town to a farm in Nebraska". It is just hideous and a waste. Later I mow the lawn and cool down with a shower and continue to put together a list of things to work on duing my trip as well as gathering some CSULA data that I promised some senior design teams.

I'm physically hungover from cycling on Saturday and Friday's heavier weights session. Thus I sleep late and watch the F1 race from Singapore. It's a long and strategic race where the first twenty laps are run at "grandma pace" according to one of the team principals. Nonetheless my favorite driver gets a lucky strategy call and wins from the third on the grid. Afterwards I work on a couple of rigid body simulations that I wanted to go back ad rvisit and I have the single link and double link simulations working quickly. But probably have a typo in the triple link simulation which I really want. I get out for another heavier session with the weights late in the morning and it feels good with little shoulder pain (and ice afterwards). Here's another day where I don't know where the afternoon went, but its getting dark early in the evening and I feel like I've frittered the day away (though I haven't).

I start Monday with a decent mountain bicyce ride. My mind is wandering and I find entire slices of time where I've gone through and cannot remember riding past. It's okay - it's not a sign of senility. Just other things on my mind. I run a few errnds that have to get done before my trip and watch a disastrous MotoGP race from Aragon (Spain). In the afternoon I try to take one of the mapping routines to a convenient stopping point and then I do laundry and start packing for the trip.