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I buzz through Tuesday at work with some good work. I leave at a good time to ride on home, drop off the World Rally Car for an oil change, walk back home, and clean up the roses. When I drop the car off the new service manager wants to buy my car because I have so few miles on it. But I tell him that his sales manager has already asked to buy it, so he has to get in line.
On Wednesday I start work at my normal work location and then ride to the City of Commerce for an all day meeting. The subcontractor is on the right track though there is an unanalyzable issue that we just have to run a test for. I keep saying, "Let's put the story together, warn people that there are risks of failure, and then go run the test". After enough hammering that seems to be the plan going forward. I rush on home to watch the Moto3 race from Qatar where my favorite younger rider leads for a large part of the race but gets beaten up to a photo finish third at the end. Person O_P texts me and so I walk over to a coffeehouse and have a strawberry smoothie and we talk about our lives.
I skip work on Thursday and get out on the mountain bicycle for a ride down to the pier. It's always great to be on two wheels! Afterwards I have a warm shower and run an errand or two and try to fix a plumbing problem with the 7 year old bathrooms. But I don't have much luck and will probably have to call a plumber. Person Ti_Ca comes back from school and we get an oil change for his car and then he drives me over to pick up the World Rally Car from its oil change. ANd this time I get another offer from a different salesman to buy the car.
Friday starts with a long ride with Derrick. A rider passes us going more than 20 mph and we let him get away for a bit until Derrick says, "Too bad we didn't follow him. We should catch him". So now we chase him down and he sees that we're coming and he speeds up a bit more, but we eventually catch him and the three of work together until we get to the south end of the Los Angeles river. Derrick and I continue on our ride - letting the other rider go do his thing. When I get home I mow and trim the lawn, get a warm shower, stop off at the ATM and grocery store, and then walk back home. The rest of the day is spent with some web programming and relaxing.
Saturday starts with qualifying for the Grand Prix of China where my favorite is off the pace and tries a final qualifying strategy that sacrifices any chance at the pole but may pay dividends in the race with tire strategy. Afterwards I ride the mountain bicycle down to the pier and back in misty conditions. Prior to next week's Long Beach Grand Prix there are drifters practicing on the course and I stop and watch for a few minutes during my ride. When I get home I clean up the yard a bit, help Person Ti_Ca with homework, do a lot of intricate web programming, and then relax watching television. I consider going out clubbing but I give up the idea at the last minute as everyone else wimps out. Instead I just get some more reading done and go to sleep early.
On Sunday I cannot stay in bed after 5:15 am because I know that the Grand Prix of China is awaiting me on DVR. So I get up and watch the race and am both thrilled and disappointed when my favorite driver climbs to 4th but only misses 3rd my 0.2 seconds. Person Ti_Ca comes home at about 6:30 am after his logn Khmer new year celebration with his family but he doesn't want to watch the race from China. After the race I get out for another ride on the mountain bicycle to the pier and back and I feel good but I know that I've ridden 4 days in a row now. After a shower I run some errands and then start an afternoon of relaxation (and maybe a bit of web programming).
On Monday I'm awake just as the alarm goes off at 5:15 am. I get to work and start finishing up things that had been left over since last week. There are obstacles in the way, but I work around them and delay dealing with them until later. When I get home I'm hungry so I eat dinner and help Person Ti_Ca with his homework. When he goes to work out I go do a single set to failure workout. It's a great workout that sees me gasping for breath during and after the workout. And I finish up some web programming such that we are about ready to demonstrate the software for potential clients.
Throughout the workweek I have periods of high productivity and periods where progress slows to a crawl. After catering to NASA people and changing some meeting times a few different times, the NASA people decide that they cannot make next week's meeting and we have to change it again. Throughout the work week I have periods where I do not feel well mentally and emotionally and I wish that I could sit down or lay down and cry. But I can't quite get to that state. I get in another single set to failure workout with the weights on Tuesday, go for a long walk after work on Wednesday, and get out for a mountain bicycle ride to the aquarium and back on Thursday. I do not ride longer because the bicycle trail is closed off for the Long Beach Grand Prix and because I have a slowly delfating rear tire and I want to get home before it goes flat. Each night I continue working on websites and hope that the hard work pays off soon.
On Friday I have a good day at work and then go home to workout with the weights, mow the lawn, and then get cleaned up to meet new friends for dinner. Person Ti_Ca and I meet up with Person D_G (Person Ti_Ca's firned) and his partner Person M_U for dinner. We've brough the cherry pie for desert, but we have a nice dinner, relax outside under thier patio, and the go back inside for desert. We talk about a million different things and the 7 pm dinner and socialization does not end until 30 minutes past midnight. I'm sure that Person Ti_Ca and will be ahnging out with them again soon.
Saturday starts at 6:15 qith qualifying for the Grand Prix of Bahrain where my favorite driver gets second on the grid. I take the road bicyce out for a ride to the Whiiter Narrows dam and back. I meet up with a rider Luis and we ride together and talk for a long time until he continues on and I turn back. We'll try to ride on Sunday when I'm supposed to meet up with Derrick. I run errands on Saturday that include a trip the library, to the bicycle store for a mountain bicycle tube, the grocery store, and other places. Person Ti_Ca and I do homework for a while until he leavs for a 6 pm dinner with his family and friends. And then I just relax.
Sunday starts with the first part of the Grand Prix of Bahrain. There is a lot of good action but I have to go out riding. I ride again to the Whittier Narrows dam and back home for about 40 miles. After a shower I watch the rest of the Grand Prix and there is still a lot of action for places below 1st place - my favorite driver romping away to a bg win. But fun action throughout the rest of the field. As Person Ti_Ca goes off to have lunch with his sister I watch the MotoGP race. This a a processional race with just a few battles throughtout the field. But I am so addicted to F1 and NotoGo (and later Moto2 and Moto3) that every race is entertaining to me! And then I relax throughout the rest of the day.
On Monday I am tried throughout the day. I actually doze off at work in between bouts of good productivity. But early in the day I realize that there is something wrong that I sent out on Friday, so I have to send out the "Egg on my face, oopsie, there were some incorrect results, please wait to use the data" email. But then I try to work extra hard (in betwen dozing off) to get the right results and double-check them. Though getting the results will stretch until Wednesday. After work I get in a heavier session with the weights, watch a fun Moto2 race, and then help Person Ti_Ca with homework. I try to get to bed early since I've been so tired today, but it doesn't happen.