Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, October 27, 2003 8:05 AM

A Busy Week

On Monday I'm up early and get in a 4 mile run before work. I leave work when my computer crashes and I lose an hour's worth of algorithms. I lift weights and get my behind kicked as I restart the HST cycle with the 15 rep sets. This is hard work - harder than the 10's or the 5's. But after finishing I start recreating the hour's lost algorithms and quickly have them restored and enhanced.

On Wednesday morning - very early at work - I realize that I have missed celebrating Tsubasa Imai's birthday this past Friday. At least I took the day off and had fun (like I hope he did also).

Wednesday I skip out of work in the middle of the morning to take an interview with a Los Angeles County organization (for ResourceScout). There are the usual skeptical people as well as the enthused people.

Wednesday after work I get in a quick session with the weights before helping Person M_C move. We load up the truck and we're on our way! We get to his new place and Person W_U meets us there just as we are finishing unloading. And then Person C_H joins us. Person C_H is an ex of Person W_U's. Person C_H would normally catch my attention as a ChiChi, but not at this time. Person M_C is considering Person C_H as a roommate, so the four of us go to have a nice Japanese dinner. I start putting a number of clues together and start to realize that Person W_U is the ex of Person Dao's who caused all of the pain in Person Dao's life. (Person Dao was in pain for almost 10 f*$%*#^ years and was disabled from being able to become involved with other people.) Life's set of ironies continues! Both Person W_U and Person C_H are nice and I keep looking at Person C_H's smile. But there is no interest on my part because I am emotionally involved with Person N_V. As I'm driving home I speak on the phone with Person N_V. His mobile phone has locked him out and I help him get some phone numbers to his carrier to call in order to "unlock" his mobile phone. I am glad that this day finally ends near 11 pm.

On Thursday I do not quite get the motorcycle to the dealer for a tuneup and new tires. It will have to wait until Saturday. Person N_V calls and soon he is picking me up to go have a quick dinner. We continue to talk about a lot of meaningfull things in our lives and about us. Person N_V is leaving right near 9 pm to return to his apartment.

On Friday I take the motorcycle in for a tuneup and for new tires. Both the salesman who sold me the bike and the service manager comment about the bike looking like it could still be on the showroom floor. And I make sure to tell the service manager, "Please do not mark up my rims when you mount the new tires, like other people have done on other bikes". We'll see how they do.

On Friday night, as I relax at home, I have conversations with Person N_V, Person T*, and Person H_V (who has not been mentioned in the diary for a little while). Two of the three say, "I miss you". Two of the three (a slightly different combination of two) say, "Come over here and f*$^ me". But I am emotionally committed to Person N_V and nothing is going to interupt that.

Let's count the shirts that are worn on Saturday:
1) A t-shirt for the morning 6 mile run (instead of a morning bicycle ride because it was foggy and wet)
2) A shirt to run errands and do some ResourceScout banking with
3) An old torn t-shirt to mow the front and back yards
4) Another t-shirt for the mid-day bicycle ride (different than the t-shirt from the run because it was still wet)
NA) The old torn t-shirt gets put back on while using a chainsaw and swinging an ax in order to remove a tree stump from the ground
NA) The "errand" t-shirt gets put back on to pick up the motorcycle with new tires and a fresh tuneup
NA) The cycling shirt gets put back on in order to ride the bicycle to pick up the truck (left at the motorcycle dealer)
5) A nice shirt for meeting up with Person N_V and possibly going clubbing or seeing a movie.

I drive up to K-Town and Person N_V and I go have dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant. As we're driving to the theatre to see a movie Person N_V is feeling worse and worse until he jumps out of the car to find a bathroom and I take over the driving of his car to find a parking spot. We abandon the idea of seeing a movie and I drop Person N_V off at his apartment and I go out to get juice, Vitamin C, and bottled water to help Person N_V get better. We spend the rest of the evening in bed helping Person N_V rehabilitate.

I make it home on Sunday near 10 am. Sunday is kind of a blah day even if a few things get done. Person M_C calls and needs more help moving on Monday. Finally the 9:15 pm ice hockey game is played and the weekend can come to a conclusion.