Not A Duplicate

This is not a duplicate photo from the bicycle accident.

Ray was diagnosed with a squamous carcinoma in his gums and jawbone. The cancer being caused by the leukoplacia that Ray, his dentists, and his oral pathologists have struggled with since late 2017.

Nonetheless, the cancerous portion of the gum, jawbone, and lymph nodes were removed. The jawbone was replaced by a cutout from the lower leg bone (fibula).

Looks like Ray is on the mend again. The last eight months have not been kind to Ray.

Thailand Again

Tired of the cold and wet of Long Beach, Ray made his escape to Thailand and Cambodia. Besides escaping the cold and wet, Ray wanted the warm, dry of Thailand and Cambodia to go cycling, visit old friends, and make new friends.

Ray road rented bicycles on 18 of the 23 days (with 3 days of transfers and 2 in Bangkok canceling those days). Ray met up with old friends made during previous travels. And made new friends in Chiang Rai, Thailand and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

This picture shows Ray on his way up to the Khun Korm waterfall outside Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Disaster Strikes

Ray was out cycling on 24 September when an oncoming rider was either not paying attention or assumed I would run off the road to accommodate him. I squeezed as far right as I could. But there was some sort of nasty accident.

I lost consciousness until I was being gurneyed into the ambulance. At the ER, I had a fractured pelvis, fractured scapula, broken rib, bleeding in the lungs, and bleeding in the brain.

The other rider was in the next bay over and he was in worse shape.

I end up spending thirteen days in the hospital and then am discharged to rehab at home. Soon I am walking without a cane and by six weeks after the accident, I am on a bicycle again.

Slightly older stories and news are available here.