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I start Tuesday with aq road bicycle ride. The ride starts out well and I feel good. But I progressively lose energy and decide to cut the planned 75 kilometer ride back to 65 kilometers. After a shower I pick up items from Trader Joes and the grocery store and watch an exicitng Moto2 race where my favorite Moto2 rider wins - his 6th win of the season as a rookie. And later I order some parts to attempt a couple of plumbing repairs around the house. Today (and tomorrow) is (are) hot days and this should be the last of the hot weather for the year.
I wake up on Wednesday with an email indicating that one of our websites is down. I try the site and it forwards to a domain selling Viagra and Cialis. Easy fix - but I'm going to go out walking in the cool morning first because today is supposed to be a hot day. I just walk for 45 minutes - no running today. After a shower see the typical .php files implanted on our domain so I delete those and fix the .htaccess file. Website restored! This has happened to other websites before so I know how to fix it. But I wonder how "the hackers" gain access. I ride the motorcycle up to CSULA and we have a good meeting as the team gets ready to put together their first presentation. I ride on home and attack the slow-draining kitchen sink. Nothing in the trap or connecting pipe, so this will probably need a plumber to come and snake it out. I watch a decent Moto3 race from Misano Italy and then the day disappears.
I start Thursday on the mountain bicycle for a ride up the San Gabriel river trail. Along the way I see the retirees sitting in the donut store (as always) gathering before they start their days, the 6:30 am alcoholics anonymous meeting at the Church of Christ, but I don't see the cross country runners today. It's a good ride and when I get home I do a couple of exploratory plumbing repairs and now I'm confident that I know what parts I need to buy tomorrow. After a shower I do some grocery shopping and checking the markets and the news and just have a slow day watching films and various programs on television. In the afternoon I notice that the skies are grey or brown from distant wild fires and I wonder if it will be safe to go run on Friday morning.
I'm a bit lazy on Frdiay morning and don'tg et out fora run. At mid-morning I get to Home Depot to buy plumbing parts and then to the library to return four books and pick up five new ones. After the errands I do a core workout for abdominals and lower back and call it a day.
Saturday and Sunday see good bicycle rides in the morning, the F1 qualifying and race from Sochi, Russia, and some football games. The F1 race itself is very wild since the rain starts coming down five laps from the end and some drivers to try to stay out on dry tires and others pit and are gaining tens of seconds per lap. Those who stopped earliest benefitted the most. On Sunday afternoon I clean the kitchen floor and all of the hardwood floors. Just in time to possibly spill water on them during plumbing repairs.
I start Monday early prepping the motorcycle for a ride up to a health care provider On Sunset near Thaitown. After a shower I ride up to the health office and meet the doctor from before. I'm a bit disappointed with this appointment because no concrete actions happen until I force them. Thus I'll have an upcoming appintment with an infectious disease practitioner soon and a follow-up with this doctor in October. I start riding back home and get on the 101 south and there is no traffic - none! There must have been a police action north of where I got on because for ten miles there are just a handful of cars. So I get home quickly and walk to the grocery store to but supplies and a GIANT bottle of wine - I'm disappointed. Back at home I start into the bottle of wine and watch the recorded Long Beach Grand Prix from yesterday. It's a close race and the results are acceptable. I'm deep into the GIANT bottle of wine but manage to update a website or two after the race and before mid afternoon. The rest of the day slides by and I vow to make a concerted effort to be healthier on Tuesday.
I wake up at 3:14 am on Tuesday morning and cannot sleep. I finally turn on the light and read for an hour or so and then try to fall back asleep. When I hear the alarm go off I turn it off, turn over, and go back to sleep. I sleep until about 7:30 am. I only sleep this late if I'm sick. And I note that my body temperature is about 1 degree above normal - it could be a little illness or it could be from drinking too much on Monday. In the morning I tackle one of the plumbing problems and, outside of a bit of spilled water on the bathroom floor, it goes smoothly. Near 11 am I gather some momentum and mow the lawn, trim the roses, trim a bush in the front yard that requires constant care, and then spray the junipers to protect against spider mites. It feels good to be moving and to work up a sweat and try to get rid of toxins in the body.
Wednesday starts with a good road bicycle ride out Del Amo, up the San Gabriel river trail, and back towards the ocean to circle back up the Los Angeles river trail. As I start back up the Los Angeles river trail I come across a rider who sucked my wheel years ago when I had a slowly deflating rear tire. Today I increase my speed, blow past him, and continue on at a good pace until I get to my turnoff. Today that rider is nowhere in sight. After a shower I ride the motorcycle to the health care clinic for a hearing test. As expected, my right ear is super good - better than anyone expects. And today, unexpectedly, the left ear, the ear that has been problemmatic for twenty motnhs, is 10 dB better than before but still not equivalent to the right ear. The high frequency is still a problem, but overall the left ear is much better than it was before. Later in the day I work on a Python optimization routine and I find the "holes" that I had from about a month ago and fix them and now the optimization runs well.
Thursday starts with an extra twenty minutes of sleep and then a good mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back towards home. Today I do not see any other rider that I recognize. At home I work on the simulation that yesterday's optimization is wrapped around and just have a slow day since today will be very hot. Today and the next three days will be very hot and I hope that this is the end of "summer" (though we are already into autumn).
I start Friday with twenty minutes of extra sleep and get out for a good 65 run/walk. Back at home I trim the roses and get cleaned up. New crime statistics for the city of Long Beach are posted so I start that crime mapping/crime prediction Python script and let it run. At 11am I have a phone consultation with an infectious disease expert and he says that the last dose of anit-fungal prescribed to me was "wimpy" and he can see why it had no effect. So we decide to start me on an aggressive dose of a wider spectrum anit-fungal before I go see him in person (if the new anti-fungal doesn't work). This doctor seems very knowledgable about candida infections (which is what showed up on the biopsy). And he's able to answer my questions about medication-resistant candida strains and other things that the maxillofacial doctor could not answer. After the consulation I watch FP2 for MotoGP and Moto2 from the Circuit of the Americas and then have a Zoom call with my team from CSULA. There is a First Fridays event a mile or so from home and I think about going to it and wandering the streets with the revelers. But I do not.
I start Saturday with a good 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. I struggle a bit going north on the San Gabriel river trail but then fly back down since there's enough of a northerly wind to make a difference. After getting cleaned up I make a trip to the post office, my pharmacy (which is closed), the library, and the grocery store. Target and Home Depot will wait until Monday. Back at home I bake five pounds of potatoes for the next couple of weeks and have a slow day - today is again supposed to be pretty hot. The cooling should start on Monday and become more conducive to some exterior work and painting.
Sunday starts with a mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back to home. After the ride I trim the roses and do somemaintenance on the motorcycle and cool down with a shower. I end up watching a fair amount of football and doing some reading. I don't even get to the MotoGP race today.
I start Monday slowly and then pick up some speed. I get in errands to Target, Home Depot, the pharmacy, and the library. I have supplies to do some more painting in a week or so. Late in the afternoon I struggle through a workout with the weights - seeing that I had not lifted in a while. In Long Beach we have a ton of lightning and thunder but only a little bit of rain. I notice that the lightning delays the start of the Monday Night Football game from Inglewood for thirty minutes. And the weather cameras and stadium cameras pick up many, many lightning strikes.