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I turn the alarm off at 5:45 am on Tuesday and turn over and sleep for an extra hour. When I wake up I don't feel bad and walk to the grocery store for supplies. Back at home I put on my kneepads and get down on my hands and knees to do a deep cleaning of the roses and carnations. It takes a bit more than an hour and it feels good to do it though my back might be sore tomorrow due to all of the twsiting and reaching. After a shower I dump dirty clothes into the laundry from last night's accident and finish the web scraper re-ordering and it's now ready for use in some deep learning and artifial intelligence algorithms. Instead of working on this, I turn my attention to find a few different sites with data that I want to scrape also. Approaching noon I watch the Moto2 race from Austria and, in this case, the track is dry enough so that there is no serious tire choice between wets or dries to be made. But its a great race to watch.
I just don't feel like much on Wednesday - am I still sufferring the effects of Monday's "food poisoning" or whatever it was? I do manage to work on a web scraper and finish it off, clean the hardwood floors, and put together a draft substance abuse/domestic violence tool.
I start Thursday with a 65 kilometer bicycle ride and it feels good both physically and mentally to have a good workout after I missed both Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday is very hot, so eventually the air conditioning comes on and its a slow day with a LBHTTF zoom meeting and a phone call with the CSULA sensior advisor to find a place for me in the upcoming academic year.
I get in a good 65 kilometer road bicycle ride on Saturday morning. I start out feeling tired, but getting streonger as the ride progresses. AFter a trip to the grocery store, I watch qualifying for all three classes of the MotoGP series from Austria and end up drinking heavily.
I get on the mountain bicycle and go for a recovery ride to the old yacht club and back to home. During the ride I see a runner who I've run into a few times recently and I shove my card in his hand and tell him to call me and we'll go get a safe, outdoors juice or something. During the ride I see some Philippino riders (in Philippines jerseys) so I slow down and practice some of my Tagalog and talk with them a bit and then continue on. Near the aquarium on the ride home I see two obvious tourists taking pictures so I stop and welcome them to my city and talk with them and explain that I like to stop tourists and welcome them here because people on my world travels have been very welcoming. It turns out the man is from near Zhingjho, where I traveled once before, so he's excited when I tell him I've been there. Finally I just pedal on home, get cleaned up, and watch the wilded MotoGP race ever. It threatens rain at the start of the Austrian MotoGP, but the rain stays away and everybody stays on dry, slick tires. The racing is close and fair and then the rain comes down with four laps to go. Pit for wet tires or not? The final order is completely jumbled up with the winning rider barely holding on by staying out on dry tires (though, in retrospect, that was not the right decision). I love MotoGP!
I get in a "starter workout" lifting weights on Monday. I've decided to drop the weights back and pick up as if I've taken time off - since I haven't been lifting as regularlay as I should. In the afternoon I drive to see the dentist. She's not happy with the white region of the gums and does a lot of digging. But she also has to do a lot of scraping of tartar and stuff off my teeth. This never happens to me and I haven't changed my oral hygiene habits. So what's going on? The dentist puts together another letter for me to give to the maxilofacial doctor regarding a change in oral and saliva environment (resulting in the high level of tartar) and requesting an immunoflourescence biopsy to try and detect the presence of an autoimmune disease. Regardless, it is not a pleasant visit to the dentist and I haven't changed my oral habits, so I'm left puzzled by this development.
I start Tuesday with a good 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. I don't run into any acquantiances or cycling friends today buts its a good ride. Today the electricity to the nieghborhood is supposed to be turned off for "pole maintenance" between 9am and 6pm. But when I get home and continue my day the power is still on at 10:30am - so I check the news and markets while I still have power. But the powe never gets cut off and I receive an email indicating that the power company will have to reschedule the new pole installation.
On Wednesday I get out walking/running for 80 minutes. There are sprinkles in the air, which we never have in August, so everyone that I come across makes some comment about it. I decide thatg the lawn does not need mowing this week, so I trim the roses, get cleaned up, get down to the main library for four new books, and return home to read and relax. By the time that I turn out the lights for sleep I am about 3/4 of the way through one of the books (which admittedly is an easier fiction read than the other books).
I get out for about 65 kilometers on the road bicycle on Thursday morning. I go up the San Gabriel river trail and fold back down towards the ocean. As I approach the ocean there's another rider that I catch up with and we have to stop for a red light. We start talking and wen I ask him where he is from (because I can't decipher his acent), he says he's from Iran. So I greet him in Arabic and say a few words and than apologize that I donb't know Farsi. We end up riding together for about 12 miles though he is slower than me and we have a good discussion about all sorts of different topics. Finally I bid farewell as I approach my turn-off. At home I get cleane dup and do some grocery shopping and intermittently get on my hands and knees with a toothbrush to clean the grout on the bathroom tile floors. I started with a Dremel tool and various tips, but they were not working out so I ended up with the toothbrush and cleanser. It's approaching 2pm and I haven't eaten yet today, so I relax with some television and some food. The rest of the day is fairly slow except for tidying up the bathroom floors. Except for two very long calls with Person Ha_KY and Person C_Ch which are each approaching two hours each.
On Friday morning I send an email asking the CSULA senior design professor to assign me to a certain project (which I assume does not have an advisor yet). And then I go look for some background information to put together for the students for this project. At mid morning I get out for a decent session lifting weights - I was unmotivated to start but end up having a decent session even at the "starter workout" level that I've dropped back down to. I do a little tidying up of bathroom floors and there are a couple of stains that will need further work. After a shower I continue working on the CSULA project for the benefit of myself as an advisor as well as for the students. Lately we've had a cool August so its nice to just open up the house and not think about fans or air conditioning.
I start Saturday early and there are a few feelings of mist in the air. I'm on the road bicycle and starting down the Los Angeles river trail and the mist becomes drizzle and then a light rain. Not enough to think about finding a tree to hide under, but enough to know that the roads and paths will be slippery. By the time I get near the beach the rain has disappeared and the pavement is dry. I get over to the San Gabriel river trail and ride a few miles up and the rain starts back in. It appears there's a band of rain parallel to the ocean border about three miles inland and a few miles wide. Eventually the rain disappears and I ride to my turn-around point and head for home. Today I see my Philippino runner friend Archie running along so I slow down and cruise as we catch up on the Olympics and some of the events that we watched - including the first ever gold medal for a Philippino person with the women's powerlifting gold medal. When I'm within a few miles of home the rain comes down harder and I just continue on and realize that the bicycle is now wet and it will look nice and clean once I get home and wipe it down. And wipe the bicycle down is the first thing I do when I get home - before I rehydrate or put my cycling kit away. After a shwoer I drive to the library to retrn two books and pick up a new book on hold and then make a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies. I'm supposed to possibly meet up with a friend today but I'm not feeling it so I'll beg off when he texts me.
I start Sunday early for a recovery mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back to home. When I get home I trim the roses and mow the lawn and get cleaned up. There's an IndyCar race recorded from Saturday night that I watch and there were so many yellow flags thatthe recording ends before the race ends. And then I have a fairly slow day getting a few more things ready for the start of the CSULA semester.
I just have a pretty useless Monday. IU make good progress on the CSULA stuff for the sponsor and the students and get in a walk to the grocery store. Otherwise the day kinda disappears with nothing significant.