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I start Tuesday with a decent 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. Except near the end I start getting fatigued and then I know I'm missing gluconse afterwards 'cuz my brain is slow. Nenetheless I trim the roses, get cleaned up, and get to the grocery store. I buy some plant-based meat replacements to try to go vegan for a week or two and see how I feel. I have a telephone conversation with one of the doctors and now we're going to try another antifungal. Whereas the first two antifungals were targeted to oral infections, this one will be more of an entire organism antifungal. We don't know the reason, but the edge line of where the biopsy was taken from my gum has now gone white. I watch a mountain stage of the Tour de France but its really a non-event as most of the top riders are saving their energy for the next two difficult mountain stages.
I'm out the door at 6:20 am on Wednesday for a walk. During the walk I run into a young kid who I've run into before quite a few times and I've just made friendly comments towards him like "I wish I could run" or "I wish I was running with you". We're going in the opposite directions, as always, so each encounter is just a brief one. Today I decide to add a little extra loop on my walk and I come out ahead of where he might be. Soon he's catching up to me since he's running and I'm walking. And when he catches me I start running with him and he slows down to accommodate me. We have a nice conversation and it turns out Matt was on the swim team at USC and now is changing over to running. And I tell him my story of running half marathons, lots of cycling, but my recent difficulties with falls during running. Regardless Matt seems like a nice young man with an accounting degree and passed the CPA exam! Soon Matt is walking and I guess this is his cooldown area so I walk with him and we continue talking. Eventually I turn for home and end up running halfway home and walking the other half for a total workout time of 90 minutes. AFter a shower I go to get the new antifungal prescription and they don't have it in stock. So I just refill a different prescription and will have to return for the primary antifungal that I wanted so desperately. I watch an exciting day in the mountains for the Tour de France and then continue to put together a list of things I should be working on.
Thursday through Sunday pass rapidly with good bicycle rides, staying cool in the July days, cleaning up small projects around the house, and restarting the CatBlaster effort. On a whim, I decide that Friday is the day where I'm going to try being a vegan for a while (plus or minus the milk that I still have left in the refrigerator). So I do the grocery shopping and buy some of the plant-based "meats" that are available and load up with vegetables and fruits. I don't think this effort will be permanent, but I'll give it a try and find that the plant-based "meats" taste rather well. Late on Sunday, after watching the British Open in golf and the F1 race from England, I pull out a ladder and trim the neighbor's violets (on one side) and the other neighbor's bushes. The former just 'cuz they were overhanging my fence and the latter because they were getting close to my Internet cable.
Monday is a very slow day. I lay out the wiring diagram for the CatBalster effort but I don't start any soldering yet. Approaching noon I get in a decent session with the weights and cool down with a shower - since the day is supposed to be very hot. I finish two books so now I have three sitting on the desk to be returned to the library. And some new monthly crime data comes in so I update the crime reporting maps and predictions.
I start Tuesday with a decent 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. At the third distance point I realize that I don't quite "have it" today but its okay. Back at home I clean the bicycle up, trim the roses, and get myself cleaned up to run errands. I drop three books off at the library, pick up some supplies for the CatBlaster, and do some grocery shopping. I'm really dragging after today's ride so I just have lunch and watch a bit of Netflix before working on the crime statistics and other things. The bicycle ride took a lot out of me today - is it because I've been a vegan (plus or minus some milk) for the last five days, is it the hot day, or something else?
I start Wednesday with an 80 minute walk/run and then cool down a bit before mowing the lawn. After a shower I grab some food, work on a new convolutional neural network that was intended for imagery but I'm trying to make it work with other data, watch a bit of Netflix, do some reading, and work on the CatBlaster. I'm transferring the Components and wires laid out on a prototyping board to a real circduit board. I'm not great at soldering, so I take my time. I stop to check the circuit board and the tarsnfer and soldering worked well as this half of the transfer works. I'll transfer over the ultrasonic sensors and wiring tomorrow.
Thursday and Friday stack together. There's a good mountain bicycle ride and session with the weights, work on the CatBlaster, trimming of the roses, Netflix, and a trip to the main library for five new books. Both days are somewhat hot so after the morning workouts I try to stay cool. I work a bit on the convolutional neural network and discover that, possibly, it isn't quite the right tool for what I'm trying to do. Maybe simply calculating n-dimensional cosines and n-dimensional distances between events is the best thing to do for finding similarities.
I start Saturday north on the Los ANgeles river on the road bicycle. By the time that I get to the Santa Fe dam I know I'm going to be having trouble getting home (though I've done this ride the last three Saturdays and they went well). I'm bonking 25 kilometers from home and just keep reminding myself to keep the pedals turning over. I'm happy to be home and sit in the garage (where it is cooler from the night air) hanging my head to let blood flow to my brain. I've been on the vegan diet (plus or minus milk) for nine days now and knew enough to eat extra carbs yesterday for today's ride. But I guess I didn't get enough. I spend the next hour or so trimming the roses and walking around the house and taking a shower - I don't want to sit dwn 'cuz I'm afraid my legs will start cramping. Which they do later in the day. But I just try to recover and relax and watch some golf and the Olympics. I'm feeling much better after lunch though. The retired schoolteacher from across the street has another problem with he Macintosh, so she walks over to my house. As she's walking over I see her fall at the entrance of the driveway. I go out but she's back up and comes into my house. I give her a gel pack from the freezer to put on the knee since she says its starting to swell. I can only solve part of her Macintosh problems but at least she can send and receive email again (though I don't know why her Sent mail folder does not show anythimg more recent than 2015). When she leaves I go drop off mail at the post office and do some grocery shopping and try to figure out what to do next Friday and Saturday to have a long road bicycle ride on Sunday without bonking.
Sunday starts with a few extra minutes of sleep and a recovery mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back to home. I surprisingly feeler stronger than expected after yesterday's disaster. At home I get cleaned up and watch the women's cycling road race from the Olympics in Tokyo. It's a somewhat strategic race with an early breakaway that the peloton forgets about. And when one of the favored Dutch cyclists raises her hand in victory she doesn't know that she's in second and one cyclist from Austria in the breakaway stayed away from the peloton and has already claimed the gold medal. And then I have a fairly slow day.
I wake up at 4am on Monday morning and hear water dripping. At first I think a pipe has broken, but then I remember that there's a monsoonal flow that could give us rain. (In southern California we almost never get rain between May and October.) I turn off the window fan and, sure enough, a very sproadic and light rain is falling. I fall back asleep but when I wake up a bit after 6 am I stay in bed for thrity minutes just listening to the rain - I always like to listen to the rain and smell it (though the rain is not heavy enough to smell today). When I get up I work on minimum cosine and minimum distance algorithm and get it to work before noon. I do a workout for the abdominals and core muscles and then cool down with a shower. Monday's are usually slow days and so I try to pick and choose some Olympic events to watch, do some reading, and watch some Netflix.