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I don't feel great on Tuesday morning, but get out on the mountain bicycle and ride to the old yacht club and back to home for a good ride. I notice during the ride that the bottom bearing "clicking noise" is more intermittent today. (I had originally planned to take the bike in for a new bottom bearing this afternoon.) So maybe I'll try a different set of pedals that I have laying around in case its not really the bottom bearing. I trim the roses and carantions and bring new blooms into the house and get cleaned up. After reading the markets and the news I watch a fun Moto3 race from Assen Netherlands and then cleanup the Smart Cities website logic for login/signup/reset and user privileges. It worked before, but I wanted to clean it up for easier maintenance in the future.
I have a hard time sleeping on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Or at least I think I do. I stay in bed until 6:15 am and get out for a 70 minute walk. Back at home I edge and mow the lawn and then spray the junipers with pure water (to try and keep the spider mites away). I'll spray with a pesticide next week if it looks like I need to spray again. After a shower I check my Fitbit and it shows an 86 out of 100 sleep score with almost a quarter of the time spent in REM sleep and a fifth of the time in deep sleep. So why didn't it feel like good sleep? Maybe I was dreaming so much that that I just felt like I was awake a lot. I don't know. (Usually the Fitbit score correlates fairly well with my perception of the previous night's sleep.)
I'm a bit lazy on Tuesday and just take the mountain bicycle out for a ride to the old yacht club and back to home. Though I have not done anything, the bottom bearing clicking noises are almost non-existent. I trim the roses and bring new blooms inside the house and get cleaned up. And wait. The maxillofacial doctor is supposed to call me early this afternoon about the results of my gum biopsy. But I can only pay a few bills and make a few gifts to charities in the morning - my mind is on the biopsy results. The call comes 40 minutes before the scheduled time and the doctor says there is no cancer. But it looks like some irritation and maybe fungus. So he prescribes an antifungal that we'll try. I've already tried an antifungal rinse, two anitbiotics, and a topical anti-inflmmation. I'm running out of anti-somethings to try. The rest of the day is also lazy as I'm just not up for anything much today.
I'm a bit slow on Friday but I get out to pick up my oral anti-fungal medicine and start using it as I jump on the motorcycle to ride home. At home I get in a decent workout with the weights. Whereas I've been increasing cycling distances and rides, I've been decreasing weight lifting sessions. So I need to remedy this. The rest of Friday is spent watching some Netflix and the ice hockey playoff game. I'm just not moptivated for coding (for the last few days).
I start Saturday early and feel decent riding north on the Los Angeles river trail and over the WHittier Narrows dam. I get to my recent turn around point on the San Gabriel river trail and just keep going to the base of the Santa Fe dam. As I stop where all of the other rider stop for a break, I discover that I don't have a nutrititon gel with me (that I only use on extra long rides). Thus this will be a purely water ride. I start back for home and hit some fatigue points, but ride through them for a total ride of 90 kilometers. After a shower I'm a vegetable for a while and watch an exciting and surprising F1 qualifying from Austria and the first part of today's mountain stage of the Tour de France (held in heavy rain which makes both ascents and descents dangerous).
I don't get out the door on the bicycle until 6:30 am on Sunday morning. Still there are a lot of riders - most of them the ones who ride about four times per year. So I take my time and give these riders lots of room to do stupid things. When I get near the aquarium near 7 am there are already people who have their tents and easy-ups set up for a fireworks show that will begin near 9 pm. I've never understood waiting 14 hours for a twenty minute fireworks show. But I continue on the ride and I'm slow after yesterday's extra long ride. Back at home I get cleaned up and do some grocery shopping and watch an intersting F1 race from Austria and later I watch the IndyCar race from Mid-Ohio (where I once hitch-hiked to for a Can-Am and Formula Atlantic race). Otherwise its a slow day.
I start Monday early because I've noticed that one of my financial prediction tools does some weird things when I try to restart it and predict the next few months. I just keep banging away on trying to find an error but I cannot. And then I decide to try a slightly different approach and start re-writing a lot of the software. Near noon I take a break and workout the core muscles including the abdominals and lower back and cool down with a shower. After a very long call with Karl as he drives from Miamai to his home in Gainesville, i watch an exciting ice hockey game where one team holds off elimination for one more game with an overtime goal.
I start Tuesday early and get in a good 60 kilometer road bicycle ride. Today's morning is extra cool so it feels great. After a shower I get gasoline for the motorcycle and give it a nice loop-type ride to keep it running. I make stops at the post office and CVS along the way for errands. Back at home I continue to work on the financial prediction software and I still haven't quite figured out what is going wrong yet. I take a break to watch Sunday's recorded Tour de France mountain stage.
Wednesday is a slow day. I do get out for a 70 minute walk and then trim the roses. But then I spend a lot of time re-working a curve matching algorithm. I watch a bit of Sunday's mountain stage of the Tour de France and stop watching just as the leaders are halfway up the first climb of Mount Ventoux. I'll save the rest for Thursday. And later I watch game 5 of the Stanley Cup ice hockey playoffs. Late at night Karl calls me and needs help installing an SSL certificate and fixing some things on his website. So I delve into that and get him 99% complete by the time he goes to sleep (three hours earlier on the east coast).
Thursday starts with a decent mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back again. I run into some other riders who I've run into before, who live my near me, and we ride together for a few miles until our rides diverge. After the ride I get cleaned up and fix Karl's website and then kabe a Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force meeting. The guest speaker is an FBI Special Agent and I expected a bit more detail and knowledge, but it doesn't come. But at least I get to visit with a couple of friends who also (sporadically) attend these meetings. After the meeting I finally finish watching Sunday's Tour de France stage with a double climb of Mount Ventoux.
Friday is a slow day. I start by reading the news and checking the markets. Before 10 am I get in a good session with the weights and then I trim the curbside area of the lawn (which I tend to neglect more than I should). After relaxing as bit I wash the kitchen and both bathroom floors and watch an interesting Thai movie callled "One Take Only". It's a bit old - coming out just when mobile phones were becoming common - but I enjoy it nonetheless. And I keep trying to pick out the words that I know and trying to learn new ones.
I start Saturday with a good, long road bicycle ride up to the Santa Fe dam and back home. It's about 90 kilometers and since today I remembered to pack an energy gel, the ride goes smoothly and there are no periods of significant fatigure. After a shower at home I run off to the libray to return two books and pick up three more to read (inlcuding one about my growing-up place of Flint Michigan). And I stop in to the grocery store for supplies. From here the day is spent relaxing with Netflix and other insignificant activites. I take the time to watch a fairly old "documentary" called "Crossing Midnight" about the horrors of the military dictatorship in late 1980s Burma (before it became Myanmar). I see scenes that look like thewy could have been from the I went to build the school on the border of Thailand and Myanmar - and that was 20 years later.
Physically hungover from Saturday's long ride or not, I get out on the mountain bicycle for a reocvery ride to the old yacht club and back to home. At home I trim the roses and do somemaintenance on the motorcycle before grabbing a shower and relaxing with a brutal mountain stage of the Tour de France. The rest of the day is fairly slow with some list prioritization and some Netflix.
I just need extra sleep on Monday morning and don't get out of bed until 6:30am. THough I've received notice that the Smart Cities team will not be proceeding with website/app that I've been working, I put a finishing touch or two on the process. The SMart Cities team noted that they will be reviewing what they want to do and re-issue a notice. And I've got a process all revved up and ready to go for any new notice. At mid morning I take the Yamaha YZF-R1 out for a little ride and then lubricate the chain. ANd then I perform some maintenance on the garage door and cool down with a shower. I watch a foriegn film called "Teddy Bear" whch takes place in both Denmark and the seediest, nastiest city in Thailand. Fortunately the seedy part is only 25% of the movie and the Danish man doesn't fall into the sex tourism trap.