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Tuesday starts with a good road bicycle ride at 6:15 am. It takes a while to get the legs warmed up, but then I start cranking away. As I head north on the San Gabriel river trail the legs still feel good but the mind starts to waver. Thus I take a shorter turnaround point and end up at 60 kilometers for the ride. After getting cleaned up I jump on the Yamaha YZF-R1 for gasoline, a maintenance ride, and to run some errands (for things that will fit in a backpack). Today is supposed to be very hot, so I try to finish my running around while the day is still sorta cool. And I realize that my cycling is usually a bit off on the first serious hot days of the summer - so maybe that's going on right now. For the rest of Tuesday I do a bit of coding and just kinda relax with reading and Netflix and an ice hockey playoff game.
I intended to possibly ride for a second day in a row on Wednesday, but instead I go for a 70 minute walk. Back at home, on another day promising to be hot, I trim the roses to bring blooms into the house and I mow the front yard. With the summer here and our water shortage, the lawn only needs to be mowed once every two weeks. I take some time to cool down and grab a shower and get to the grocery store for supplies. Back at home I pay some bills and then start working on the final piece of my security puzzle - stenography. I'm going to embed keys or passwords into images via stenography practices. Its like a third layer of security beyond hashing and strong encryption. My only difficulty is trying to do the task with standard libraries that most web hosting sites provide. I work away on this throughout the day with creative breaks to just relax in the heat and later watch another ice hockey playoff game. Late at night I get the stenography to work with one library that I typically use. I'll have to check and see if its a standard library on my usual hosting company.
On Thursday IU hear the alarm go off, turn over, and go back to sleep. When I wake up I see that only 15 minutes has elapsed. Thus I get out of bed and, instead of riding long on the road bicycle as I had intended, I ride the mountain bicycle to the old yacht club and back to home. The clicking sound from the bottom bracket is not as loud or as a regular as the last ride, but I know I should replace it anyway. During today's ride the sun is shining brightly when I start because it is supposed to be very hot. But as I get close to the ocean and ride along the ocean the marine layer is fairly thick and the cool weather feels nice. But then as I ride back home I keep losing the marine layer and ride into the bright sunshine. After a shower I play with the stenography a bit and figure out a way to scramble and descramble the hidden message even further and make it more secure. Taking a break I explore some ideas that my friend and I spoke about yesterday about some analysis for his business. So I work on that a bit and start concluding that there isn't much difference between some of the signal combinations that we've played with so far. So maybe we need to expand our thoughts. As I relax my way through a hot Thursday I watch some of the US Open in golf from California and the ice hockey playoff game.
I start Friday continuing to work on the stegonagraphy and get to the point where I'm happy with the results. But my web hosting company does not support a certain Python module needed to process an image file. So I'm on the phone and on hold for a quite a while but speak with a very knowledagable technical representative. He says that when they upgrade my very old hostin gplan, which I've had since about 200, to the new hostin gplan then I can easily add needed Python modules. It's okay - I've got the stegonagraphy process working and it isn't really needed right now. I keep expecting to go out and lift weights, but I just fritter away time with the US Open in golf and the ice hockey game and don't get in a workout at all today.
I'm out the door at 6:15 am on Saturday morning and ride north on the Los Angeles river trail past the WHittier Narrows dam until a conveninet turn-around point. I take a quick water break and then start riding south - quickly catching another rider who decides to grab my wheel and ride along. I just go along at my own pace with only three riders passing me at a faster rate. Finally, ten miles down the trail, the wheel-grabber pulls alongside and thanks me for the pull and turns around for home. What can I say? He was a former SpaceX employee and now a Lockheed Martin employee - I wouldn't expect him to do any work. But I continue on and finish at 80 kilometers - the longest ride I've had in quite a while. The year is shaping up good as I've had my best April and May of cycling in a few years. At home I'm tired so I watch the US Open in golf, qualifying for F1 from France, qualifying for MotoGP/2 from Germany (thhat I attended two years ago), and the ice hockey game. I don't feel guilty at all watching this much television after a strong, long road bicycle ride this morning.
Despite wanting to get out for a recovery bicycle ride, I'm physicaqlly hungover from yesterday's ride and do not get out. I sleep about 45 minutes extra and trim the roses and work the core muslce group including abdominals and lower back. I settle in for a slow day with the French Grand Prix, the US Open in golf, and an ice hockey playoff game. I let the crime aggregater run throughout the day and by early evening the script is finished and I can upload to the web on Monday.
I start Monday with a good 60 kilometer road bicycle ride. SInce it's Monday there aree very few riders out and when I run into my friend Archi who is running, I cruise along with him for hist last mile as we catch up. We haven't really caught up since before his family went to the Philippines in December 2019. Back at home I upload the crime statistics to the web and watch the MotoGP race from Germany. Later after some false starts on new coding ideas, I watch the ice hockey playoff game and gather everything for tomorrow's maxillofacial doctor visit.
On Monday night into Tuesday morning I keep having these weird dreams about being on a job interview. I keep waking up and recalling the dream and falling asleep and repeating this process. The interview is with a Chinese company (or maybe a Chinese-owned company) and there's a lot of silence during the interview and I'm just trying to sell my story and my capabilities. Finally I wake up and grab a shower and ride the motorcycle up to my oral biopsy appointment with a Vietnamese doctor in Thaitown. Did my mind play tricks on me during sleep and change biopsy to interview and Vietnamese to Chinese? The biopsy itself is fairly painless and I ask to see what the doctor has removed from my mouth for analysis. And it looks like a large chunk. And he just says, "I wanted to make sure we've got plenty of tissue to cover all of our bases with". After the motorcycle ride back home I immediately start to ice the area of the biopsy and wait for the local anesthetic to wear off. I keep icing the area throughout the day since it does hurt somewhat. There's a fun Moto3 race from Germany that I watch and my favorite rider wins and there are a number of good icnidents throughout the race to keep things lively. It's approaching 1pm and I haven't eaten anything yet, so I cook some pasta, and overcook it, so that it's extra soft for easier eating. And I just relax and hope for a good night of sleep so that I can go cycling on Wednesday.
I don't ride on Wednesday since I'm lazy and I see some discoloring of the jaw from Tuesday's bipsoy. Instead I go for a 70 minute walk/run. And try to pull together some more tools for demographic work.
I start Thursday with a good 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. After the first few kilometers I feel strong and could have ridden much longer but I didn't bring a second water bottle. Back at home I get a refreshing shower and read the news and the markets. Throughout the day I take fifteen minute breaks to dust surfaces and wash the hardwood floors. And finally relax with the ice hockey playoff game and some Netflix.
I start Friday early with two things that I want to get accomplished. Parsing out zipcodes and census tracts for a state other than California that may want some work done and exppanding the Smart Cities forms to be more user-friendly or categgorically-related. Late in the morning I get in a workout with the weights.
On Saturday morning I get out for another 80 kilometer bicycle ride. Today I feel stronger than last week's 80 kilometer ride. Afterwards I get to the library to return books and pick up a new book. ANd then relax with F1 qualifying from Austria and MotoGP/2 qualifying from the Netherlands (where I was in attendance two years ago).
Though a bit tired, I get in a 60 kilometer road bicycle ride on Sunday morning. I might or might not be a bit a slower than usual, but it's a decent ride. AFter a shower and cleaning up the bicycle and trimming the roses, I start the laundry and watch the F1 race from Austria. Later in the day the retired schhol teacher from across the street calls me and I go over (with a mask) and help her reset her TV and DVR that she seems to have messed up. I don't really know what I did, but I seem to have fixed it with a simple reset of everything and toggling through a menu.
Monday is a slow day though I get some cleanup workk done on a website and a more visible menu button. At mid morning I take the motorcycle out for a ride to keep the battery charged and to keep the lubricants moving around. Back at home I get in a decent core workout for the abdominals and lower back. The MotoGP race from Assen Netherlands in enjoyable and has some good action. Otherwise I just have a fairly slow day with nothing of significance going on.