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I start Tuesday with a good mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back to home. I trim the roses and bring more blooms into the house. After a shower I continue the test case with the new geographic districts and it's working well. A wild Moto3 race sees my new favorite rider win the race. Previous to this race I had not picked a favorite Moto3 rider yet. I spend a fair amouint of time just relaxing and watching Netflix. My blood tests are back and, as I expected, my LDL (bad) cholesterol is high. I've been eating terribly since the pandemic began, so now its time to get back to work.
Wednesday seems to be a cleanup and errand day. After checking some of my overnight runs and seeing good results, I turn back to crime mapping for a day since some new crime statistics have become available. I get out and do some grocery shopping and then have the World Rally Car washed. When I return home the car goes directly into the garage and I spend a couple different time periods throughout the day using a claybar on the car. This always takes longer than waxing, so I assume it will be done on Friday. I watch a very fun Moto2 race where a rookie wins his first Moto2 race and a rider I don't care for crashes out on the first lap. After the race I mow the lawn and lift weights. This is the first session lifting weights in about a month. I can certainly tell that I have taken time off from lifting and will probably be very sore on Friday morning. I also spend some time cleaning the hardwood floors since I can see the dust building up in corners with the windows and doors open now in the warmer weather.
I start Thursday with a good bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back home. At home I adjust the gate door (for the warmer, drier weather), trim the roses, and bring both roses and carnation blooms into the house. After a shower I find that my CSULA account is locked, so I go out and do more claybarring of the World Rally Car until the "unlock directions" come in. ANd I work on converting a friend's Matlab script to Python.
Friday begins with an hour long walk. Back at home I claybar the four doors on the car. The only thing left if the front spoiler. After a shower I continue the Matlab to Python script conversion, do the laundry, and have a Zoom meeting with the CSULA students as they try to finish up their presentation for the year. Later I claybar the front spoiler and then watch a few different Netflix series that I'm following.
There's an inkling of a thought of not riding on Saturday morning, but it disappears. I get out fora good 65 kilometer road bicycle ride. I grab a quick shower and take the motorcycle out for a ride and stop at the library to drop off three read books and get four new ones. Back at home I trim the roses and bring rose blooms into the house. And then do a light claybar on the small spots on the front and rear of the World Rally Car where I used touch-up paint to fix minor scrapes from rocks and things. Now I'm tired and hungry and have sald for lunch while watching the ice hockey gaem. It's a planned day off from any coding, so I just relax and watch whatever is on television and watch a few more Netflix episodes of series that I'm watching.
I start Sunday riding north on the Los Angeles river trail. I'm going under the 91 freeway and come up on a rider going north also. I pull to the left to pass and he decides to make aU-turn right in front of me. I make the split second decision to squeeze left as far as possible within an inch of the rocks on the left. The U-turn rider is now perpendicular to the bicycle path and I hear him yell something out like "Oh sh*t". And then I feel an impact at the rear of the bicycle. I'm not on the ground, I'm mnot in the rocks, and the bicycle still rruns, so I continue on. I don't really care what happened to the other cyclist after pulling such a stupid move without looking. I notice that I have trouble shifting gears and I finally meet up with Derrick. I turn around and we ride back to the aquarium and Derrick notes, as he's following me, that my rear derailleur is bent inwards. So I guess that's what the other cyclist hit. We finish uip a good ride and I get home and pull out some channel-=locks and towel and try to bend the rear derailleur back into position. OIt looks better, but we'll see how it shifts on the next ride. Disaster averted! Back at home I get cleaned up and start working on a mapping program that I agreed to debut. I make good progress and email the team for more information. It's now noon, I've ridden a lot, coded a lot, and now I'm hungry. So I take time to eat and watch the IndyCar race from St Petersburg. Afterwards I work more on the map and its at a logical stopping place. Tomorrow I'll in the Python backend and be done with it soon.
I have a pre-planned day off from cycling on Monday. I start my day early working on the mapping website. Today I just keep going and going with small creative breaks. I keep saying that I should get out and lift weights, as originally intended, but I don't ever make it out. By the end of the day, I've watched two hours of Netflix/television and coded for 14 hours.
As expected, with no exercise the day before, I have a horrible night of sleep on Monday night. Nonetheless I'm out of bed at 6:05 am to get prepared to go cycling. I just have a mountain bicycle ride down to the old aycht club and back, but I feel strong throughout and look forward to my next ride. After getting cleaned up, I do some grocery shopping and then cook vegetables/beans/pasta sauce that should last for the week. And then I sit back and review CSULA final presentations (which are recorded for viewing due to the Covid-19 pandemic). Some are very good but a couple are horrible and I wonder where there advisor went. The day slowly passes away after yesterday's coding marathon and today's strong bicycle ride.
Wednesday is a slow day. I work on a friend's analysis request in Matlab and tell him that I've almost completely converted it to Python (since I might lose my Matlab license at the end of the CSULA semester). The work takes up most of the morning until I take a break to cut my own hair (still), mow the lawn, trim the lawn, and trim the roses and carnations with fresh blooms coming into the house. In the early afternoon I turn back to the mapping website and see if I can get a complete Javascript solution, as opposed to the Javascript plus Python solution that we currently are using. And then I just relax later with some ice hockey games and some Netflix.
I start Thursday with a good mountain bicycle ride to the old yacht club during which I run into my 3rd cousin Kyle. So I stop and chat with him for ten minutes or so and continue on the ride. At home I trim a few tree branches and work on my friend's Matlab analysis and get it into good shape.
Friday is a slow day. I get out walking for an hour at the beginning of the day and trim roses and carnations and bring blooms into the house. From there I do some documentation of the mapping website, preparing to implement a pure Javascript implementation of the mapping website, and prepare end of month stock market predictions and evaluations. Today, for no real reason, I'm a bit tired and actually doze off in the afternoon for a bit.
I start Saturday with the road bicycle for its first ride since I bent the rear derailleuir back into alignment. There are a few shifts which are problemmatic and maybe need adjustment, but overall the shifting is acceptable. I finish with a strong 65 kilometer ride where there is no fatigue at all today. During the ride I roughly count 25% of the riders wearing masks after the CDC and Los Angeles county suggest that outdoor activities do not require a mask if you are vaccinated. During the ride there is a rider going in the opposite direction and when he sees me wearing a mask, he makes an obvious "don't wear a mask" motion with his hand and his mouth repeatedly as I pass by him. I ignore his plea and prefer to take the cautious route at this time in the pandemic. After a shower I get cleaned up, get to the grocery store for supplies, and watch an unpredicatble qualifying session for the F1 race from Portimao, Portugal. Hopefully Sunday's race will be unpredicatble and fun also. I take a bit more time to lay out framework for the mapping website and I think I have a handle on the effort and just need to implement the details of the code. Later in the day I watch MotoGP and Moto2 qualifying from Jerez, Spain. And then just relax.
Though my legs are tired, I get out for a bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back to home. After the first few miles the legs feel strong. I get in sometrimming of the roses and bring new blooms into the house. After a shower Sunday turns into a day of racing. Formula One from Portimao, Portugal, MotoGP from Jerez, Spain, and finally an IndyCar race from Texas. The races keep my mind moving with the various strategies since today is a day off from any sort of coding at all.
I'm out of control on Monday morning. I'm out of bed at 5:30 am and start working away on a friend's technical analysis, the mapping website, and a few other things. The friend's technical analysis just required a few more statistical metrics added and I quickly get those finished. (Though for the first hour of work I keep making silly typos that are caught right away when I try to run the analysis.) The mapping website was hampered by me being stuck on a layers implementation. And now I've figured it out so that it is finished. Late in the morning I take the Yamaha YZF-R1 for a ride to keep the battery charged and the lubricants moving. And I get a break for lunch to watch the Moto3 race from Jerez, Spain.