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Tuesday is the two year anniversary from when my brother had his heart attack while cycling and passed away. I get out for a ride to the old yacht club during which I hear my third cousin Kyle yelling my name from the bluff above the bicycle trail. It isn't convenient for me to get up there so I just wave and I keep going. Later I text Kyle and we get a good laugh about the situation. After a shower I catch up on the markets and news and trim the roses. The Moto2 race is very close but doesn't get my desired reult. I don't do any coding or website work today - I'm just thinking a lot about my brother's passing. And coincidentally, an acquaintance of my brother emails me from Vermont indicating that she just discovered today that Richard had passed away - the two year anniversary.
Wenesdays are usually productive coding days and physical rest days. It's somehwat a little of both today. I do a bit of coding but not a satisfying amount for a Wednesday. Lost motivation. And I get out buy groceries and get to the library to pick up three new books for reading and edge, mow, and trim the lawn and deweed the roses. Otherwise it's a slow day.
I don't sleep well into Thursday morning and read for about an hour between 2:30 am and 3:30 am. I'm out the door for a bicycle ride at 6:45 am and it takes me quite a few miles to get warmed up. And then its a good ride to the old yacht club and back to home. At home I trim the sideyward with a weedwacker and then grab a refreshing shower. Late in the morning I do some Python coding though it is really just breaking up existing code into "standardized" modules as opposed to brand new ideas. But this needs to be done along with documentation in case this new business idea takes off and I would need to have other people run the code. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but at least this effort is still pushing the ball forward. I take time out to trim carnations and roses and bring blooms inside the house. I love carnations and they bloom wildly at this time of the year! But I haven't been able to get them to bloom a second time during the late summer or fall.
I start Friday on a tear! I work on the standardized modules (and documentation) and have most of the modules running properly by noon. Just after noon I ride the mountain bicycle and new front derailleur to the bicycle shop and have them cable up and install the fron derailleur. I know this takes a bit of time, so I've brought two books with me and I walk across the street to a shady park-like area which has Private Property signs posted on it. Regardless, I sit on a bench and read one of the books as I wait for the bicycle repair shop to call me back - half expecting a security guard of some sorts yell at me that I can't hang out here. But surprisingly quickly I get a call back from the bicycle shop and its ready. I pack up and walk back to the bicycle shop, ask for a slight adjustment of the rear derailleur (for which they installed the cable a while ago), pay, and ride on home. (I think it helped me get to the top of the repair list because when I first entered the bicycle repair shop I used the two technicians' first names and they had surprised looks that I remembered their names.)
I start Saturday riding the road bicycle north on the Los Angeles river. It's been a while since I've ridden up in this direction and I enjoy the ride to the Whittier Narrows dam. At the dam I take a quick water break and turn around and go home. It's a weird ride because I feel pretty good throughout though me legs feel "full" - as if they're loaded up with blood. At home I certainly take some calcium and magnesium after the ride to head off any leg cramps, grab a shower, do some grocery shopping and trim the roses to bring more beautiful blooms into the house. The rest of the day is spent on modularizing the next-to-last step in the process I've been working on (and watching some golf and other things on television). This next-to-last step is strange because some California Assembly Districts show incredible learning/pattern matching accuracy with the neural networks, some are good enough, and a few fail completely. I half-heartedly debug the failed districts and will get to them on Sunday.
I wake up on Sunday hungover from Saturday's ride. Nonetheless I get on the mountain bicycle with new front derailleur and retuned rear derailleur and ride to the old yacht club and back again. After I get warmed up for five miles I have a good ride and the 18 year old mountain bicycle runs as good as new now. At home Itrim a sideyward where the neighbors' plants get in the way of a full gate opening. It's not a big deal - it happens every spring when these specific plants grow widly. I grab a shower, start the laundry, and make another half-hearted attempt at debugging the various district failures. I'm sure its an easy fix, I just have to find the source.
The week goes by as any of the last 20 weeks have gone. Cycling, walking, coding, gardening, taking care of the roses and carnations, and watching Netflix. On Thursday I have a video health appointment and so I have to go give some blood for testing and there will be an appointment made for me to see an oral/facial medicine specialist to pursue the white gum issue.
I start Saturday with a good road bicycle ride to the dam and back home. While sweaty at home, I clean the road bicycle and degrease the gears and chain for future riding. After a shower I spend time watching MotoGP/2/3 qualifying from Portugal and continue to work on the modular process. Throughout the week I've made great progress and today I'm running through the steps as a beginner would to see if it can be done. I've also descoped the statistical distributions that I allow from 89 to about 10. Who knew that there were 89 common or semi-common statistical distributions? F1 qualifying from Imola, Italy sees some surprises in the top runners and hopefully Sunday's race will be fun.
Derrick has texted me so I star Sunday with a ide north on the Los Angeles river trail and I turn around and ride with Derrick back down to the aquarium. My legs were tired to start the ride since its my third ride in three days. But I the farther I ride the better the legs feel. At home I grab a quick shower and do some grocery shopping. The "standardized modules" that I've been working on are running well even if they take a long time. So I get no coding in today. Instead I watch a wet but drying F1 race from Imola, Italy and the IndyCar race. I guess Monday will be for motorcycle racing. I manage to trim the roses and bring more blooms into the house and chop up a mediums-ized tree branch which has fallen.
I start Monday with an hour long walk and ride the Yamaha YZF-R1 down to get the blood tests that my doctor and I agreed on. By the time that I get home from the blood test the office chair that I gave the neighbor is sitting on my front lawn. There's a voicemail saying that she tried it but couldn't get it to fit right. And our agreement was that if she didn't like it, she should return it and I'd get rid of it. I put a big "FREE" sign on the chair and leave it in the front yard near the street. I continue to work through the "standardized modules" and have it running well except for outlier cases that I need to guard against. And I also try the process with a different set of geographic districts and at least the first step just drops right in. Early in the afternoon I watch a MotoGP race which is very close for the first third or half, but then somewhat splits up when a couple of crashes split the field. But then it positions two through six tighten right back up. A fun race. And near 8 pm, just when I'm thinking that I need to put the chair into the backyard so that the Tuesday morning sprinklers don't get it wet, a guy that I see skateboarding in the neighborhood stops and "skates it home". I hope he can make good use of it.