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I'm out the dor at 6:37am for a chilly bicycle ride and tired legs after yesterday's ride. After getting cleaned up I make a trip to the grocery store and continue making progress on this new website. It still needs a lot of content, description, and pictures. And later in the day I watch more International films on Netflix.
On Teusday night and Wednesday morning it rains pretty hard. It is always nice to listen to the rain when I don't have to go anywhere in it and when I have a good roof on the house. I'm working on the website before 7am and work almost continuously until after noon. I've made good progress but still have a way to go. Today I have a good session with the weights where, after the first set of bench presses, I wonder if I've left a few pounds off the bar because it seems easier oday. In fact, all of the lifts seem easier. After lifting weights I do some maintenance on the garage door, get cleaned up, and collapse on the couch to re-watch most of "I Care a Lot" (about people scamming the elderly out of teir independence and assets) and then watch an art forgery/scammer documentary. And finish the way with a bit of web work, but I'm burn out.
Thursday is just a bad day. I get up early and do wome more web work, but I don't feel well. Both of my shoulders hurt and the area under the both kneecaps hurts. I've had shoulder problems before, but never problems wit my knees. I can only think that this antibiotics that I'm taking, besides not clearing up the gum infection, is producing bad side effects. And to make the day worse, I don't get in any workout - I'm just blah.
I start Friday with a good bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back for home. The CSULA Zoom meeting is canceled, so I work away on the website adding content and pictures nad making sure pictures are sized right. Maybe another week and I can launch. I take time to trim the roses and de-weed the carnations with the roses showing super healthy growth before the real bloom season starts soon.
I've recieved a text from Derrick, who I used to ride with, so on Saturday morning I head north on the Los Angeles river trail until I run into Derrick. Then I turn around and we ride together to the aquarium. We have a lot of catching up to do and it's a decent ride. When I get home the electricity to the entire area is out pre-planned and pre-notified by Southern California Edison. So I wander around in the sun a bit before jumping into the shower for a cold shower. (The tankless water heater needs electricity to control it, you know?) The originally scheduled electricity output was for 8am until 2pm, but by 9am they've changed it to 8am until 6pm. What did they discover in the first hour to make them extend the work period four hours? Nonetheless I do a lot of reading today and get some good ideas to work on and I also clean the hardwood floors (with cold water). The electric maintenance work is one street over from me but right in front of my house, so I can see the guys working on the poles. And finally at 6:30pm the lights come on for the neighbors across the street and ten minutes later my electricity is back. At least I can set the clocks for daylight savings time which starts tonight as I work my way around the clocks in the house.
I start Sunday with a good 80 minute walk. After a hot shower, which feels great after yeasterday's cold shower, I work on the website a bit. But I keep making silly little mistakes and decide to try back later. I'm not sure where the afternoon gets off to but I start working on the website again later in the evening and make good progress. (Perhaps because I have EDM and 80's music playing and I get up and dance to the music ireegularly. I almost never have music playing while I work unless I need to get some motivation.)
I start Monday with working on the website and a decent workout with the weights. I'm a bit down on today's lifts for whatever reason. I go see my dentist again and now I have more self-massage exercises to do for the localized gum problem and a third prescription to fill. After a non-descript break, I get into a good groove and get the html, javascript, and python written for four different forms on the website. And later head to bed for reading and sleep.
It's difficult to get out of bed on Tuesday, but I'm out the door at 7:08 am for a chilly bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back home. This semi-regular ride to the old yacht club and back to home takes just short of two hours to complete - so it's a decent workout. After getting cleaned up I take the motorcycle out for a ride and stop in at the grocery and pharmacy. The pharmacy does not have the exact dentist-recommended concentration, so I'll have to come back later when the dentist and pharmacist have spoken about what to give me. Back at home I read the markets and the news and work on the website which is getting very close to being ready to go live and advertising. It's approaching 1pm and I haven't eaten anything yet today, so I take a break to regain some blood sugar and hope for a productive afternoon. I slow down a bit on productivity until a 7pm Zoom call (which is a pre-call before tomorrow's real call). I contribute where I can and wonder what's going to happen with tomorrow's call.
I have a very productive Wednesday morning. I skip the bicycle ride and make great progress on the website as well as on a least squares algorithm and a generalized additive model algorithm. Both of these algorithms are now added to my toolset when faced with interesting problems. I've been working since 6:30 this morning and finally get down for lunch and a break near noon. I get out and edge and mow the lawn and clean up the springtime weeds that always want to pup up at this time of year. The 3pm Zoom meeting occurs and I don't see this effort going anywhere. Nonetheless I volunteer myself an action item and produce a two page writeup by the end of the night for an internal discussion. I keep finding one-off Netflix documentaries to watch such as tonight's documentary about the recent college pay-for-admission scandal.
I start Thursday with a chilly bicycle ride to the old yacht club and back. I'm riding regularly but haven't had any longer rides lately. Back at home I trim the roses which are starting to bloom quite nicely and then go back to work on both the website and tidying up the recently-implemented algorithms.
I get out for another good ride on Friday morning before getting cleaned up for a CSULA Zoom meeting. After the meeting I go back to work on the website and keep making progress. The old adage is true: The first 80% of progress takes 20% of the effort and the final 20% of progress uses up the remaining 80% of effort. Nonetheless, I keep pushing the ball forward.
The legs are tired on Saturday morning, so Iget out for an 80 minute walk, get cleaned up, and run errands. To minimize driving, I make a big loop to the ATM, Target, Home Depot, the library, and the grocery store. I'm resupllying today so the entire trunk of th World Rally Car is full by the time I'm heading for home. I want to work on the website, but my heart isn't in it today. I don't know where the day goes, but I find myself near 8pm doing a little work on the website for an hour before reading and sleep.
Though I was hoping to ride long today, I just get out to the old yacht club and back home. This is just short of a two hour ride, but its not as much as I wanted. At home I trim the roses and deweed the carnations and then the day disappears again. There are things that I should get done, but don't today. Though I make a good start on a process document that will be used to run and explain the algorithms that I'm working on.
I'm on a tear on Monday. I'm working away on the website and process document for almost the entire day. There's a couple hour break for a late lunch. Otherwise I'm working away and making great progress.