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The workweek is a mess of trying to continue helping out workers who need information and trying to avoid a troublesome co-worker who will have nothing of me helping. I just go along my merry way trying to do the best for my co-workers and the project and get them the data that they need for a successful review. Tuesday and Thursday see some heavy weight lifting sessions though the weights are a struggle. These weights were not such a struggle last week and yet they are a struggle now.
On Wednesday I tell my neighbor that nobody will be at home for a while and we have a long discussion about vacations and computers and hardwood floors and health and insurance. I think nothing of it, but it's a long discussion. On Thursday night after work my neighbor calls me for a trivial question and then says, 'Ray, I've known you for 26 years and you didn't sem yourself last night. What's wrong? Is there somethign wrong?" So I admit to my nieghbor that there is stress at work, but my life is going great and I'm (usually) having fun, but I have not felt well mentally for a few months now. She recognized it in our short conversation yesterday! I tell her that I'll have a physical exam when I return from the trip and I'll tell my medical doctor that I don't feel welll mentally. And I thank her for her keen observation of my mannerisms and outlook.
On Thursday night there is another adoptions teleconference and things are not going well. At one point I just say "You can zero out all of my shares if you need to" because I'm not liking the direction of the project and the dilution that is being proposed. And on a side conversation with Joseph we both come to an almost simultaneous conclusion that we may have to just dissolve this corporation and re-think things through.
Friday starts with a good mountain bicycle ride to the pier and back. On these non-working Fridays there aren't many cyclists or runners or skaters getting in the way, so one can just ride and think. After a shower I get the results of my blood test (and collect the $40 they paid me for participating in the study), drop books off at the library, buy some supplies for the trip, and stop in at Subway to buy lunch to bring home and eat. I also segregate some bank accounts in case somebody hacks into my ATM on the trip and then I aste away the rest of the day.
Saturday starts with a ride to the pier but there is a huge crowd of walkers for another fundraiser, so I only make it to the lighthouse and turn around and come home. I catch qualifying for the Canadian Grand Prix in ever-changing wet/dry/wet conditions and then watch the Los ANgeles Kings be eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs.
On SUnday I'm supposed to ride in the Los Angeles river ride but when the alarm goes off I just turn over and go back to sleep. I end up sleeping until almost 8 am. I never sleep this late unless I am sick. This is not a good time to be sick just before a long trip. I do get out on the mountain bicycle ride to the pier and back and see all of the cyclists that I would normally be riding with on this long river ride, but I just enjoy my ride and get on home. The Canadian Grand Prix sees my favorite driver romp away to a big win and then I continue packing. As I'm packing I discover that when I did laundry on Saturday I put my passport though the laundry machine and dryer. The passport still is readable but I'm not sure the Myanmar visa is still intact. This could be a problem.