Content-type: text/html Ray Manning

Monday, February 7, 2011 10:00 PM

Still More Recovery

The week starts with productive tasks at work on Tuesday and Wednesday. After work each day I get in a workout for the abdominals and lower back (on Tuesday) and for the rest of the upper body (on Wednesday). After Tuesday's workout I go help the neighbor set up her new Apple notebook computer and show her how to connect to my wireless network (as she has been previously doing with my old "permanent loan" PC to her). After the workout on Wednesday I walk to a coffeehouse and join a community meeting with two Long Beach city councilpeople. We're discussing neighborhood improvements slightly away from my neighborhood but close enough to be involved.

Thursday and Friday are not productive days as we have visitors at work and have meetings and have to babysit the visitors. On Thursday after work Person Ti_Ca rides two buses and comes to visit me. We go eat pizza and relax a bit before I take him back home. On Friday I leave work a bit early (because I have enough hours in) and lift weights, mow the lawn, take a warm shower, and relax. I'm feeling some illness coming on so I want extra rest and sleep this weekend. I allow Person Ch_C to come and visit and we have a nice long discussion before I have to push him out the door to get some extra sleep.

Saturday starts slowly as I need some extra sleep (even though I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back alseep and didn't get the extra sleep). It's a foggy morning, so there will be no morning bicycle ride until the fog burns off. Past mid-morning I get out for the extended aquarium ride and enjoy the new pedals and shoes more. In fact, the pedals and shoes make the cycling easier and I have more speed and a lot more energy. After a shower I pick up Persin Ti_Ca and we hang out as he does his laundry at my house. Towards the end of the evening we watch the recent (i.e., 2008?) re-make of "Get Smart". I remember watching this movie for the first time in Thailand with a friend in my hotel room but I'm still laughing at it again this time. I head for sleep a bit early because I still feel that I'm almost ready to come down with something.

I get in a good night sleep on Saturday night and wake up before the alarm clock goes off on Sunday morning. I see rain in the forecast for Sunday, so I wait a bit int he morning and finally start off for the extended aquarium ride. I ctach up to some other cyclists and we both note that we've already felt raindrops but we're optimistic enough to keep going. I get wet from rain all of the way down the Los Angeles river trail until the rain stops. Along the ocean the air is clear and back north along the Los Angeles river towards home the air is clear (even if the pavement is very wet for the last couple of miles). By the time that I've finished my shower after the ride the rain is coming down fairly hard. After the ride I clean the kitchen floor, wash and vacuum the bedroom carpet, do the grocery shopping, and have a conversation with Ruby about conresspeople, corporations, non-profit agencies, software, and children's adoption. Since all of my real tasks for the weekend are complete, I spend a fair amount of the afternoon just staying warm, browing television channels, and browsing Internet sites. Late in the afternoon Person Ch_C comes to visit and we have another nice talk. Except he starts getting a bit upset when I tell him that the following weekend is already all tied up with Person Ti_Ca. So I have to ask him to leave and we'll figure things out later.

Monday is a productive day at work. I get some of my own work done, help others with their work, and get some PwerPoint charts together which tella good story for our visiting customers on Wednesday and Thursday. After work I use the same weights as last Friday but with an added set. It feels good to struggle and strain and make the lifts - even if I am still skipping the rowing lifts to avoid trouble with the ribs and rib cartilage. After the workout I go to the ATM and deposit a check and make a quick trip to the grocery store. I am into oblivion by 6:40 pm and enjoying myself.

Tuesday and Wendnesday are wasted days except for good workouts after work. On Thursday I make a good presenatation and it generates enough interest such that I use 90 minutes of time when I was originally alllotted 30 minutes. People joke about it afterwards, but it was a good presenatation that needed to be done. I come home a bit early and work the abdominals and lower back and then relax for the evening. Though I have not come down with any sickness, I still feel that I could use some extra sleep right now.

Friday starts chilly so I get the world rally car washed and then buy a gift for Person Ti_Ca. When the morning has warmed up I get out for the extended aquarium bicycle ride. I am enjoying the new pedals and shoes so much because I'm a bit faster and, after I adjusted the bicycle seat upwards, they feel better. AFter a shower I pick up Person Ti_Ca and make him join me in waxing the world rally car - since he's never waxed (or owned) a car before. Afterwards we relax for a long time until I drive him back home after 6 pm.

Satruday morning is cold, but I get out on my hands and knees and wax the gold rims on the world rally car. It's a dirty, messy job that I didn't want to involve Person Ti_Ca with. But the gold rims look great when I am finished. Now the morning has warmed up and get out for the extended aqaurium bicycle ride. After a shower I ride the motorbike over to Person Ti_Ca's house, pick him up, and we go for a long ride down to Irvine. On this ride, Person Ti_Ca can now claim that he has traveled above 100 miles per hour. We eat lucnh and wander around the UCI campus before I drop Person Ti_Ca off at his cousin's house in Long Beach and then I go home to relax and do the laundry. Both Person Ti_CA and I will be sore for a day or two because the Yamaha YAZF-R1 was not made for two people to ride, but we do our best anyway.

SUnday starts out very wet and foggy. I read the neighbor's newspaper (since I'm watching her house as she is away for a couple of weeks) and mill restlessly about the house until the fog has cleared enough to go cycling. The extended aquarium is fantastic as I feel strong and thoroughly enjoy the ride. My cycling is recovering from the five weeks off due to the vacation in Thailand and Cambodia and the bicycle accident even if my lifting weights recovery is lagging behind. After the ride I clean up the kitchen and do a lot of straightening up of things around the house before the SUper Bowl comes on. I watch and DVR the Super Bowl in case there are fun advertisements that I'll want to watch again (even though they are all over youtube shortly after the game ends). I don't really care who wins the game.

Monday is a blah day and it feels it when I get home. I've dropped the weights just a bit and still struggle with reduced sets. After some small activities around the house I'm in bed before 8:45 pm.