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I stay in for new year's eve. I'm asleep by 10:30pm and I sleep right through midnight and the ringing in of the new year. For the start of the new year there is a good, sunny bicycle ride. And finding positions of sitting and standing that do not aggravate whatever problem that I have with my right leg.
Friday is a blah day as it rains. I get in a light session with the weights - avoiding any lifts that put the lower back or the legs under stress. But it feels good to lift again. And I manage to find a block of non-raining time to get in a good walk. The leg hurts during the walk, but it is part of an active rehabilitation.
Saturday is a very windy day. I get out for a bicycle ride. Windy bicycle rides are pure strength rides and I can tell that I am slow because I have no strength in my right leg. Cycling, by the way, doesn't hurt, but I have no right leg strength to pedal with. But it feels great to ride on this sunny and windy day.
Later I call Person J_VKPI and we ride over to a club in West Hollywood. A call from Person T_U is handled but he is going to a different club - without Person D_V as it appears that they have finally decided to separate for good. There are a few acquaintances at the club including Person E_F again. And I tell him, not in a flirting manner but in a "I have a soft spot in my heart for you" manner, that he still has his cute little nose. There is one offer from a stranger as well as other offers being prepared that I manage to sidestep. The actual offer from the stranger was deflected rather quickly with a "I have a boyfriend" answer to his "Are you here alone?" question. I am in bed after a fast drive home near 3am.
Sunday sees another good, sunny bicycle ride after reading the newspaper. Person N_V calls and confirms that his flight, along with Huy, will arrive at 4:45pm. I direct Person N_V and Huy to take the G bus to the train station so that I don't have to deal with LAX traffic under heightened security.